How to know who is the owner of a car

Finding out how to know who is the owner of a car is basic for operations such as buying a second-hand vehicle, since it is the best way to confirm that the person who is selling us the car is the one who really has the rights to the car. same. The document that will tell us with certainty this information is the so-called report or vehicle data certificate, which we can obtain through the General Directorate of Traffic. In .com we explain in detail all the steps on how to know who the owner of a car is.

Steps to follow:


The only information that will let you know who the owner of a car is is the license plate of the vehicle or the number of the frame. Thus, you can not indicate the DNI of a person to confirm that he is the owner of the car because, for reasons of data protection, the General Directorate of Traffic could not give you the information.


Once you know the license plate or the number of the frame of the car, the process before the Administration to obtain the data certificate can be done both through the Internet and in person, at the Provincial Headquarters of the General Directorate of Traffic that corresponds to you . In the event that you do it online, you must have a digital certificate or electronic ID.


In addition to providing the license plate or the number of the frame, to know who is the owner of a car you must provide your personal information and a brief explanation of the reasons that lead you to request the indicated information. By Internet, you must choose between one of the following options:

  • Purchase.
  • Verification of technical data.
  • Certificate for other administrations.
  • Sinister.
  • Abandon on public roads.


This procedure, like almost all that are done before the General Directorate of Traffic, has a cost of 8.20 euros.


However, we recommend that the price of the rate is not an obstacle to stop you find out who is the owner of a car if, for example, you are going to buy it second hand, as it will prevent you from taking an unpleasant and expensive surprise in the case that who sells you the vehicle is not its owner.


In addition, you should know that in the data certificate you can find information regarding the entire history of the car as well as whether a seal or seizure weighs on it.