How to make a mermaid costume

Do you want to disguise yourself as a mermaid? Whether you are looking for a costume for Halloween or if you want it for Carnival or any other celebration, in this article we are going to help you to prepare one with your own hands and that is very simple to elaborate. We are not going to give you sewing patterns or go into complicated sewing processes because what we want is that you can create your own costume without too many complications and that anyone can create yours. So, read on and discover how to make a simple, economical mermaid costume and, above all, very beautiful!


Steps to follow:


To be able to make a mermaid costume you should know that there are many options and modalities of costume that you can make. Depending on your tastes and your own personality, you will have to choose one or the other model, because not all of them fit with any person. So, one of the first elements that we must fix to begin to elaborate our disguise is the part above .

This type of disguise can be conceived in two ways:

Option A

We will use a word shirt of honor that is lilac, greenish, bluish, etc., tones that are inspired by the color of the sea. If we do not have a strapless shirt, we can hide them under the bra and, thus, we do not have to spend too much money. Above all, make sure that the shirt is adjusted because we want to emphasize the curves well.

Option B

If you are looking for a more sexy or daring costume, you can choose to cover your breasts only with a bra that has the shape of a shell. If you do not have it (as is likely) you can draw some shells on cardstock and glue them to the fabric with staples or glue. Another more elaborate option is to buy a fabric, cut the shell and stick, on top of it, different seashells that you can have from the beach. Then sew the peel to the bra and that's it!


Now comes the most "complicated" when making a homemade siren costume . But, as we said at the beginning of the article, we are not going to get into too complicated sewing operations but we will be simpler and faster.

So, regardless of the option that you are going to choose, the generic of the siren tail will be:

  • We will use a skirt that we already have at home and that is tube, that is, tight and long.
  • We will buy a fabric to make the tail and with the same length of our legs
  • We will cover our skirt with this fabric and we will sew it or we will staple it in to, thus, get the same color
  • We will save a piece of cloth to make the tail of the mermaid
  • We will use, if we want, sequins or glitter to throw on top of the fabric that covers the skirt

Option A

If you choose the first option you should know that the siren tail should be sewn on the sides and at a height of approximately the knees. To keep it straight you can put wires inside the fabric or, if you want something easier, you can cover it with cardboard.

Option B

To make this tail of mermaid it will be enough that things the fabric only by the back part of the skirt to, thus, be able to have movement from above. You should lengthen the fabric to the height of the ankles to cover your feet.

Option C

You will have to place fabric both on the back and in front and on the sides. The idea is to buy a more pompous fabric so that it is like a tulle and has more volume. Take it from the knees or a little above and you will get the desired effect.


Now we almost have the mermaid costume ready ! The only thing that we will lack will be to personalize it with makeup, hairstyle and accessories. We start with the hairstyle for the mermaid: here you can give free rein to your imagination and try different colors, accessories, and so on. Of course: if you want to go disguised as The Little Mermaid, then you must color your hair reddish as that is how it has Princess Disney.

Option A

We suggest that you fill your hair with elements found in the sea (stars, shells, etc.). You can buy these accessories in a store accessories or, if you can take them from the beach and paste them with super glue on a headband or hair band you have at home.

Option B

Fill your hair with different colors to, thus, enhance your most magical and mystical image. You can use hair color sprays and paint different strands with bright colors or, if you prefer, you can buy clip hair extensions and place them on different parts of your hair.


And finally, we have to pay attention to the makeup of the mermaid costume. Here you must play with bright colors and fantasy to get an image totally in line with your suit. The basic thing is that you apply a bit of bluish or greenish color to the face, you can use it only on the contour of the face, in different spots or make up completely with this tone.

Afterwards, you can play with your eyes and make some borders that inspire the sea (fish, pearls, etc.) and enhance your look by shaping the eye with black eyeliner and shadows of different colors. Do not forget to highlight your lips with a water color or, if you want a more feminine touch, you can opt for red or pink colors.

And ready! Now you have an easy-to-make mermaid costume that everyone can make at home.



In we propose other homemade costumes that, perhaps, you like to celebrate Halloween or Carnival, look!

  • Tinker Costume
  • Homemade Egyptian Costume
  • Costume of the Corpse Bride