How to create a garland of hearts for Valentine

Valentine is one of those dates that invites us to unleash our creativity. If you plan a party or any date and you think of decorating your house this option will enchant you. We propose you to make a simple and garland . Follow these steps to learn how to create a garland of hearts for Valentine's Day.

You will need to:
  • Cardboard or colored sheets
  • Stapler
  • Scissors or cutter
  • Ruler
Steps to follow:


You will need sheets of paper or card in shades of red or pink . Try not to be a very thin paper but not thicker than a cardboard because you have to fold them.


Cut the paper into strips with the folio upright . The strips should be wide, about 4 or 5 cm, so you can handle them better.


Once you have all the strips, fold them in half.


Now comes the difficult. Hold one of the strips bent at the ends and push them inward creating the shape of a heart . Before stapling them by that union, introduce another of the strips by the folded part and grápalo all together. The image will help you understand it.


Now all that remains is to staple and staple. Create as many garlands as you want, from the colors that you like the most or if you prefer, unleash your imagination and create original garlands.