How to celebrate the festivities of El Rocío

In Andalusian lands, the Romería del Rocío is celebrated annually, a religious pilgrimage to the village of El Rocío in Almonte (Huelva), where the sanctuary of the Blanca Paloma is located . But this celebration is not just an act related to religion, but also a festive and reunion among friends who celebrate the festivities of El Rocío. That is why thousands of Andalusians look forward year after year to the weekend of Pentecost Sunday, which is when the Rocío is celebrated. In .com we explain the most important thing about how to celebrate the Rocío's parties .

When is celebrated?

The festivity of the Virgen del Rocío is celebrated on the Monday following Pentecost Sunday, so it varies every year. To calculate when Pentecost Sunday falls, we must count 50 days after Holy Saturday.

How is the pilgrimage to El Rocío?

The Romería del Rocío is a pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the Blanca Paloma, located in the village of El Rocío, 17 kilometers from the town of Almonte in Huelva. The road can be done on horseback, by cart or on foot, and the Andalusians are usually dressed in flamenco suits. During the previous week, the different brotherhoods from Rocieras leave their headquarters in Huelva, Seville, or Cádiz, among other provinces, to be on Saturday in the village of El Rocío and participate in the events of the pilgrimage, which will last until Monday.

There are four fundamental routes to make the Rocío pilgrimage:

  • The road to Sanlúcar, which crosses the Doñana National Park and is used by those coming from Cádiz.
  • The road of the Llanos, which goes from Almonte and is the oldest.
  • The Moguer, used by those who come from Huelva.
  • The Sevillian way, which is usually used by brotherhoods from the rest of Spain and the world.

What are the central acts?

  • On Saturday, the day before Pentecost, at twelve o'clock noon, the presentation of the Brotherhoods begins in strict order of antiquity before the doors of the Sanctuary with the "simpecado", the banner of each association. This act can last about 10 hours, due to the large number of existing brotherhoods.
  • On Pentecost Sunday there takes place the Eucharist, the Pontifical Mass.
  • In the early hours of Monday of Pentecost, it is the moment of the departure of the Virgen del Rocío, when the traditional and expected " leap of the fence " is performed, one of the most exciting moments of the weekend.
  • On Monday morning he walks to the Virgin, the "Blanca Paloma", in procession and is carried on the shoulders of the village.
  • If you plan to do the pilgrimage to El Rocío, stock up on enough food and drink because the road is long.