Why do not I have friends if I am a good person

Personal relationships are one of the most complex issues to deal with. And when we talk about friendship, things get even more difficult. They say that friends are a precious treasure and, therefore, it is very strange to hear someone saying "I do not have friends", strange even for us if we are the timid group.

Even if you do not believe it, the fact that a person does not have even one friend is a topic to worry about and, although there are many causes that can cause this situation, we bring you the answer to such a common question: why do not I have friends if I am a good person .

You are a little flexible person

Tolerance is necessary for any aspect of our life, and in the case of friendship there is no difference. People intolerant tend to be toxic, bitter and zero pleasant, leaving a bad impression on others.

Keep in mind that if you present attitudes that are not intolerant, even disrespectful for the tastes and decisions of others, you will scare away anyone who wants to enter into a relationship simply because they are not judged by you . It is important to understand that each person is a completely different world and that is why there are many opinions and attitudes, so if someone's way of acting is not of your complete pleasure, respect it.

If you have noticed that you tend to get angry very easily for any small thing or that you do not accept very well the differences of others, it is time that you change your attitude to improve many aspects in any area of ​​your relationship with others. Our advice is that you listen to the opinions and accept that not everything will always be as we want. You may also be helped by this other article on How to be more sociable.

You are very shy or too daring

Have you ever heard that extremes are bad? This is the perfect example. Although it sounds a bit bad, the first impression has much weight in what other people think of us and, both extreme shyness and effusiveness, can keep away a possible friend who does not share our way of seeing things; also highly hyperactive people who do not stop talking, laughing or joking tend to be a bit heavy. Remember that there is a time and place for everything and the ability to adapt is the key to a good friendship.

A friendship is united by emotions, actions and experiences, therefore, it is important to maintain a neutral attitude where shyness does not take away your speech but also not overexpress you so as not to surprise others excessively. You may also be helped by this other article on How to Overcome Shyness.

You have low self-esteem

Self-esteem is a fundamental part when establishing relationships of all kinds. In the case of friends, it is key to maintaining a healthy, beautiful and very strong friendship.

Many times people with low self-esteem do not have friends because they feel incapable and unsure of keeping a friend, either because they do not consider themselves funny, funny or interesting enough and in the same way it goes the other way: because they have no friends, self-esteem go down further.

It is important that you understand that each person is unique, therefore, you are unique and you have something that makes a difference, which is interesting for certain people, even if you do not realize it. Do not shut yourself up in a bubble, say hello to the people who smile at you, say thank you and apologize with a smile, help those who need it and you will see that with time those actions will reward you.

Tips for making friends

To make friends excuses are not valid, and if you have moved, changed schools or work, with more reason is the perfect opportunity to strengthen that relationship.

  • Leave home : keep in mind that people will not arrive at the door of your room to ask you to go out with them. Come out, relax and have fun, we assure you that you will find someone with your same tastes and you will be super good.
  • Use your hobbies in your favor : there is no better way to get friends than by sharing your hobbies or hobbies with others. If you are a fan of cooking, comics or travel, there are millions of forums or courses where there are other people who share your passions and this is one of the best ways to start a friendship with things in common.
  • Make changes in your personality : going to the aforementioned, if you tend to be loose, extremely timid or effusive and you have noticed that this has affected your personal relationships, it is important that you consider making a small change in these attitudes to get along better with people. You can even seek psychological help to help you overcome your little problems.

Answering your question: why do not I have friends if I am a good person? Consider that being a good person is not related to the attitude you have with your friends or with people close to you. That does not make you a bad person either, they are only defects that as humans we all have and that sometimes we must change for our own good and that of others.