What are the most proud signs of the zodiac

The sign of the zodiac to which we belong, together with the element that governs us, usually determines some features of our character, at least for those who follow astrology closely. Thus it is possible to find signs stronger than others, more jealous or more infidels and also with some much more proud than others. Do you feel that you could be in that group? Find out, in .com we explain which are the most proud signs of the zodiac .

Steps to follow:


It is true that each one of us, regardless of our zodiac sign, we have our pride . However, some signs have this feature more prominently than others, being a condition of their behavior that can not be ignored.


This is the case of Leo, the most proud zodiac sign in the horoscope. Ruled by the sun, Leo has a high ego and always likes to keep things under control, so when a situation hurts him in the personal aspect can become a sea of ​​pride to show others that above all is well.

This powerful sign has other characteristics that explain this behavior, if you are curious to know more, we invite you to consult our article about how Leo are.


Scorpio is, without a doubt, one of the strongest signs of the zodiac, with a tenacious temperament and completely sure of itself that makes it difficult to be deceived or humiliated. And it is that Scorpio is one of the most proud signs, if we deceive him or make him feel like a fool we can see how his explosive character is unleashed, turning them into inclement executioners.

Discover more about the character of this powerful sign in our article How are the Scorpios.


But we can not speak of strong and temperamental signs without mentioning Aries, which also stands out among the most proud signs of the zodiac . Ruled by the element of fire, the Arians are enterprising, strong, bold but above all very self-confident, so when they feel betrayed or humiliated they can become proud and inaccessible.

Do you want to know more about the Arians? Then check our article how the Aries are.