How to overcome a broken friendship

Friendship relationships are not so far from relationships. The betrayal, the lie, a strong argument or the cooling down by some of the parties can get to break a friendship. Like love relationships, a friendship is also vital and marks our existence filling us with experiences and good times. If you have currently lost a good friend, or feel that your relationship has ended, for whatever reason, pay attention to the following article that we present to you in .com. On this occasion we want you to learn how to overcome a broken friendship . Follow our advice and discover how to ease the pain of such loss.

Steps to follow:


Generally, the breakup of a friendship is usually given either by a betrayal or by an abandonment of one of the two parties, both are common reasons why friendly relations that seemed to be very solid end. The end of a toxic friendship, of dependence can also occur. Remember that you must admit and know how to see what kind of friendship relationship you have, because as in love, friendship can also blind you.


When a betrayal occurs, the break is even more painful, because one of the two parties has broken the foundations of that friendship . When it occurs by default, the break is usually progressive and, as in any love relationship, does not occur overnight. The wear, the cooling and the distance can reduce the friendship destroying it completely, without us noticing.


As with any loss, the breakup of a friendship needs to be completely overcome by a process of mourning and acceptance, especially if it has been caused by a betrayal or deception. We must accept and be aware of our self-sufficiency, because sometimes we tend to see reflected in our friends the values, virtues or qualities we have or would like to have. Friends are usually the perfect complements because they have everything that we lack, this is the turning point on which we must reflect, because it is necessary to understand that we are valid by ourselves.


It is important to think and understand why this friendship has been broken, to see what each of the parties has failed to do. Empathy is a good tool that helps us put ourselves in the place of the other in order to understand him. With this work you will be able to dissipate a little your guilt feeling, if you have it, or loss.


Even if it seems silly, you must share your pain . If you have suffered a friendly disappointment it is necessary to let go of the feelings that you have accumulated such as grief, anger, bitterness or disappointment. Of course, do not try to replace that person immediately, because each friend plays a role in our life and you must gradually regain confidence in others.


It is also not advisable that you become a martyr of the frustrated friendship relationship. Make sure that not all the blame falls on your ex-friend and do not sell him as a bad person . The best way to turn the page is to accept the loss and stay with the good times you have shared together. Try to forget everything else, because with rancor you will not get anywhere.


On the other hand, you must accept that people change, get older, take different paths and decisions, separate, reencounter. Personally, we all go through ups and downs and sometimes separating from a friendship is just a dose of reality. We can not continue being children and young forever and little by little life is filled with responsibilities to attend and time to share. Being aware of it will help you understand the abandonment of a friend.


To forget about the loss, try to distract yourself and do constructive things. Remember that the process of acceptance and mourning takes a while, so you should take as much as you need.


If it has been a fight or an occasional anger, with a little will you can save the friendship relationship . After years you can solve the small betrayals that may have diminished your relationship. Asking forgiveness and knowing how to forgive and listen are some of the bases that make you a true friend. Remember that we all make mistakes.


Finally, if you feel that this relationship ended and the subject was not discussed, there may still be a chapter that should be closed . If you feel better, try to regain contact with that person, it is not necessary that you return to be the friends you were, but perhaps it is time to regret the loss and recognize how important that person was to you. If you feel strong, do it, it will be a sign of maturity that your friend will appreciate.