How to care for a dog with distemper

Distemper or distemper is a serious illness that can endanger the life of your dog. It is a disease that has no cure but, once diagnosed, the animal receives treatment to improve the symptoms generated by this pathology, hoping that the virus has not advanced significantly to achieve the healing of the animal. If your pet suffers from distemper, in .com we give you some keys so you can discover how to care for a dog with distemper.

Steps to follow:


First of all it is important to get a diagnosis and make sure that your dog actually has distemper . In our article how to know if my dog ​​has distemper, you will discover more about this disease, its symptoms and complications.

Once your animal has been diagnosed by the veterinarian, this specialist can give you a prognosis of your condition. Remember that the distemper is a very dangerous virus that usually compromises the animal's life in an important way, however if it is detected in time it is possible that your pet manages to overcome it.


Because the symptoms of distemper directly affect the respiratory, intestinal and nervous system of our dog, its signals can be devastating for both the animal and us. That is why taking care of a dog with distemper will basically consist of trying to improve its quality of life and lessen its suffering.

It is important that you know that this task will require all your time and attention, because it is possible that the animal will have a difficult time to perform even basic things such as eating or drinking water.


When caring for a dog with distemper it is essential that you do not allow it to become dehydrated . The reduction in fluid intake is one of the first symptoms of the disease, so you must constantly give water to your animal.

If there comes a time when you do not want to or can not drink from your plate, you should administer liquid with a syringe without a needle, or give it instead of homemade chicken broth without salt or seasonings, which will also provide some nutrients.

Ask your veterinarian about hydrating drinks suitable for dogs that can keep it in better condition.


A dog with distemper loses its appetite in an important way but it is essential that it stays nourished. It is recommended that you change to canned food, softer and easier to digest, and that if necessary, open your dog's muzzle and feed it little by little. Liquefied chicken with a little broth or liver are nutritious alternatives to feed your dog during illness.


In cases of distemper, it is very common to administer B vitamins to the dog because of the positive effect it has on the animal's muscles. If your veterinarian did not tell you anything about it, do not hesitate to ask him as this alternative could help your dog to improve.

Also, if you have been prescribed antibiotics, make sure they do not cause side effects on your skin.


It is very important that you keep in communication with your veterinarian to monitor the health of your animal and the progress of the symptoms. Distemper is not contagious for humans but it is a very complex virus to overcome for dogs, so your care and the indications of a specialist are essential.


You must bear in mind that to prevent distemper in dogs there is only one method: vaccinate . The first vaccine against distemper should be administered between 6 and 8 weeks of age and, annually, the dog should be reinjected to prevent the disease.

It is also important that you vaccinate the bitches before they become pregnant, because the distemper could be transferred genetically to the young and cause the pups to die suddenly.