How to write test or test - find out here

The words that go with by and with v continue generating confusions in the adult age, because no matter how much one has studied the orthographic norms of the Spanish language, it is very frequent that our mind gets to confuse or even to doubt the appropriate form of writing of certain words. A very clear case of this is what happens with the word "test". Is it with b, is it with v? To give you a quick answer, we will tell you that proof is written with "b".

However, in this article we will explain why and what is the reason that the question of how to write test or prove is generated.

Test is with bo with v

As we see in the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), only the form "test" is accepted , with b . In Catalonia and other Catalan-speaking areas, proof is written with v, "prova", which could explain why residents of these areas have difficulty knowing how to correctly write this word, if with bo with v.

However, the problems to know if a word is written with bo with v are very frequent in all areas, so it is not surprising if in some informal text, such as an internet forum, we run into "prove ", instead of proof, as well as other words whose confusion is generated in this graph.

* Prueva

As we have been saying, "prove" or "provar" would be treated, nothing more or less, than a Catalanism, that is, a word or phrase coming from Catalan. To leave doubts in these cases, we would have to go to the Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana (DIEC), whose translation would be "Dictionary of the Catalan Language", and introduce the word "provar", which we will verify that it is accepted, while " try ", no.

Like "prueba", in Spanish, the word "prueva" in Catalan would have the same meanings as in the Spanish language, which we will see below.

Meaning of test

If we enter the Royal Spanish Academy, we can see that "proof" has different meanings . The main ones are the following:

  • Action of the verb prove.
  • Something that can prove an event, for example "here is the proof of the crime!".
  • Sign or indication of something, such as: "this is a test of destiny".
  • Medical analysis, such as: "I have been tested for sugar".
  • Exam to see if the student has acquired all the knowledge, such as "tomorrow I have the English test, I hope to pass".

You may also be interested in this other article on How to Write Test or Provar.

How to write test or try it

Another very common doubt with the verb to test is the one of how the word "test" or "prove it" is written, whether with an accent or without an accent. The correct thing to do is to write this word with an accent in the e: "try it", since it is a word esdrújala and, like all esdrújalas, it must have tilde.

If you do not know the accentuation rules correctly, you may find this other article of Examples of acute words, flat and esdrújulas useful.

Other common mistakes in Spanish with byv

Now that you know how to write, test or try, you may be interested in these other articles where doubts about the correct use of the by and v are clarified:

  • How to write vacant or bacchante.
  • How to write down or go down
  • How it was written was or was.

With this article about testing or testing, we hope we have helped you resolve this doubt. Any other you have, do not hesitate to leave a comment and we will respond right away. The important thing is to never stop learning and not feel ashamed for what we do not know or do not know.