How do you say tape or splint?

Esparadrapo or esparatrapo, how do you say? We are sure that more than once you have asked yourself what is the proper way to refer to the adhesive strip roll used to fix bandages. The difference is only one letter, but the truth is that this simple fact can be a spelling mistake and that is why we want to solve the question by explaining how to say esparadrapo or esparatrapo.

sticking plaster

If we want to refer to the strip of paper or cloth with adhesive used to hold bandages and as a dressing, it will be necessary to say "tape" . This is the form that we find in the dictionary of the RAE and that, therefore, is the correct one in the Spanish language.

It should be noted that in some Spanish-speaking areas it receives other names such as surgical adhesive or with more technical names such as sanitary adhesive strip.

* esparatrapo

However, saying "* esparatrapo" is incorrect and will be considered as a misspelling. It is possible that some people, especially older people, use this word instead of "tape" because of confusion, but the truth is that it is not collected in the dictionary, so it is necessary to correct it.