How to write drain or drain

The diaeresis is a diacritic sign with a fairly limited use in the Spanish language, but which usually generates doubts about when it should be used or not. It is important to know what are the rules of use of the diesésis to avoid thus commit orthographic errors of this type in the texts. In the following article we show you a clear example of this, and we help you to solve how to write drain or drain .


If we look for the term 'desague' without umlauts in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we verify that this is not registered and that we are shown the form 'drain' with umlauts for having a similar writing. That is why in no case should we write 'desague' since it is an incorrect word.


As we have pointed out, the correct way to write this term is 'drain' including the umlaut over the graph / -u / . To avoid making misspellings of this type, you can take as a reference the rule on the use of the umlaut, which states that this diacritic sign is placed on the vowel -u- of the syllables -güe- and -güi- to indicate that this vocal must pronounce.

'Drainage' is a masculine noun that can be used under the following meanings:

  • "Action and effect of draining or draining". Example: You have to call the fire department to come to make the drain .
  • "Conduit where water is released". Example: I have dropped two rings down the drain .