How to enhance the pleasure of writing in teenagers

The pleasure of writing is completely linked to the pleasure of reading. Only those who read and enjoy the activity and the stories of the books will want to write, to create new stories and to be able to fascinate the rest of humanity so noblely. Adolescence is a good age to promote this activity, since it is a time when children already have the autonomy to decide which books to read, what they like best and where to dedicate their time. In .com we explain how to enhance the pleasure of writing in adolescents, a pleasure that will develop many benefits both pedagogically and physically throughout the life of the person who develops it.

Steps to follow:


To enhance the pleasure of writing in teenagers, you should let the same teenager choose the books he wants to read.


Suggest that they summarize the books they like the most after reading them.


Bring them closer to the writers they admire, so they can see that they are normal people who have enhanced the activity of writing as he himself can do.


Explain the benefits of reading and writing at their age, they can understand and that will motivate them to continue developing this activity.


Let them write about free themes, about those topics they enjoy.


Give them books with guidelines to improve their writing, and therefore, will get even greater benefits.

  • Propose to participate in a reading club appropriate for their age.
  • Encourage them to participate in some activity related to writing, so that they relate to children with their same tastes.
  • Give them a diary or a notebook that encourages them to write often, whatever they want.
  • Encourage them to participate in a contest, just to write and without being influenced by the sense of competitiveness.