How it benefits me to read

Reading is not only a habit that we can acquire from a young age, it is also a way of increasing our knowledge of the world, of traveling, of knowing new realities and improving our culture . A means to have fun and enhance imagination and creativity, but in addition to all these advantages, reading has many positive sides. In .com we explain how it benefits you to read every day.

Steps to follow:


One of the main effects generated by the habit of reading is the increase of the imagination . This characteristic can be clearly seen in children, although adults also enjoy this wonderful benefit. As we read, we develop the ability to visualize and imagine the world and the characters that the author describes, thus increasing our ability to connect with stories through our own thinking.


Why are there stories and stories that we like more than others, and heroes we want to look like? For one simple reason: we have the ability to generate empathy with the characters in the books, getting to identify or understand realities in a much simpler way.

So many find answers or comfort in reading, but we also get to increase the connection with the world around us simply through a story.


Just thanks to the empathy, we establish links with the characters of the books that can favor our reality, improving the relationship with people around us.

This benefit of reading was proven by research psychologists from the University of Buffalo in the United States, who discovered that when reading, for example, a book that has a single mother as a struggle to take her family forward, we can increase the sympathy for our neighbor who, coincidentally, is also a single mother. This subtle process is becoming more powerful as we develop the pleasure of reading.


Good stories affect our mood in the same way that a good movie does. A book can make us feel better, more happy and encouraged while helping us to remember experiences or people of our own life. Books with great endings, love stories, and all those stories that catch and entertain us benefit our humor favorably.


In addition to a way of traveling and of knowing the world, books also benefit our inspiration and often help us to get ahead.

When we read books in which their characters have faced problems and have overcome them, we can find comfort and strength to solve our personal situations.

They are of great help to improve creativity and find answers, as well as being a fundamental tool to reflect on a myriad of topics.


Reading is important if we want to write correctly and write appropriately. It benefits our spelling and is one of the best ways to keep us entertained.

Give a good book a chance! Discover the pleasure of traveling with reading and enjoy every moment, we assure you that it's worth it.