How to develop the habit of reading

Developing the reading habit, especially from the earliest ages, is very important for children to acquire a solid intellectual base, and being adults helps us to know more and to have trained our brains. Reading and writing are the most widespread means of acquisition and transmission of knowledge, and having a good level of reading comprehension is essential to obtain optimum academic performance. In .com we tell you how to develop the habit of reading .

Steps to follow:


The best advice, to lead by example.

It is not worth telling a child to read if we do not convey to them the feeling that it is a pleasant and fun activity. As children, we imitate almost everything our parents do, so our children see us read several times during the week and they will soon want to do it too. And it is a very important activity and it is good to be aware of how the habit of reading in children influences. We can encourage them to join us in the activity, reading together with us in the same room.

If we want to improve our own habits, we can surround ourselves with people who encourage us to read, sign up for reading clubs, visit forums or social networks of readers ...


Readings appropriate for age.

It is not the same to read at age 7 a Mortadelo comic strip than Joyce's Ulysses . If we do not understand what we are reading, we will get bored instantly and we will take the reading off. It is convenient to introduce children to reading with fun and easy to assimilate content, such as children's books (including adaptations of classic works, if you will) and comics.


Read in loud voice.

Few greater pleasures can be had for a father and son who tell stories aloud. If the child still can not read, the father or mother (or both at the same time!) Can act as storytellers.


Visit libraries, bookstores and book fairs.

They are the sanctuaries of reading, the places where worship is most paid and where you can discover new works that were previously unknown. Visiting frequently and acquiring new books is a culturally healthy activity.


Give books.

"The gift of a book, as well as a gift, is a delicate compliment, " according to the saying. Give away books or ask them to give them to you for your birthday, so you can not say that you have nothing new to read. But in addition, on the other hand for children is a perfect method to encourage them not to stop reading and also see that a book is a really valuable object.


Fix a discipline

Whether you want to make your children read, or if you intend to improve your own reading habit, it is usually advisable to set a comfortable routine to meet. For example, book a time to read, such as after lunch or before bedtime. Thus, reading becomes an activity more of the day to day and does not require so much effort to get to it.