How to tell my son that the tooth fairy does not exist

Although every parent likes the idea that their child believes in magical characters as long as possible, there will come a time when your child will question certain things. Each child has a different learning process and each family adopts a strategy against these magical issues. But the important thing is that you have a prepared response and face it with sincerity.

That's why in .com we give you some suggestions so you can discover how to tell your child that the Tooth Fairy does not exist .

Steps to follow:


We must recognize that children live with great enthusiasm the fall of the first teeth because they await the long- awaited visit of the tooth Fairy, that famous being who should leave a tooth of milk on the pillow to receive a prize in return.

But the reality is that this story is a mechanism used by parents to cope with the fact that falling teeth can be annoying and painful and that, therefore, should be rewarded with something positive.

The question is not whether it is good that they believe or not, or at what age to tell them, the question is how to deal with that moment with sincerity and total integrity.


The abstract thinking of children evolves as they get older, usually between 1 and 4 years often do not distinguish imaginary beings from real ones. In general, from the age of 6 you start questioning things, especially what is really real and what is not.

At that time it is recommended to continue promoting that creative thinking and that illusion to believe, because it is quite positive for their development and self-esteem. In addition these beliefs with magical component are usually very useful to inculcate habits and important values ​​to your son, so do not precipitate in dismantling those myths. With this story, you will have the opportunity for your child to learn the relevance of oral health, you can say that the mouse only wants milk teeth that are healthy and clean, so you will be motivated to clean your teeth daily with desire.


But there will come a time when you have to tell the truth about the tooth fairy . It is best to do it when your child has developed his abstract thinking completely and is mature enough to face reality, something that normally happens after 8 years, however only you can determine the time that seems appropriate.

The important thing is that when the day comes to tell the truth do not back down, your child must be clear that he can trust you, so do not lie or invent another story. To tell you that the tooth fairy does not exist you must choose the right moment, do not tell it when a tooth has fallen, it must be any day. You can tell him, for example, the origin of the story to explain how this legend came about among the infants.

It is good that you explain to him that you also believed in him as a child, when you were very afraid of the loss of your teeth, but now both you and he are brave and can know the great truth.


Another way to deal with this important moment is to turn your child into the guardian of the secret . Telling the truth is the ideal occasion to make your child feel adult and responsible for privileged information, he will feel greater and very lucky to have a secret to keep.

It is a tactic that does not fail especially if there are small brothers at home. You should not dramatize the matter, you should tell this reality as something normal, do not let it see that you are worried about the subject, because if you perceive your concern you will feel disappointed.

Telling your child that the tooth fairy does not exist is a step that many parents have had to go through, but if you take it with confidence and intelligence you will make the episode not become a big concern for the child.