How to give pap to a baby

The start of complementary feeding, with the introduction of the first cereal porridge, is an important step in the feeding of the baby, and that can create some concern since sometimes it is not so simple that babies accept the spoon and get used to it. to new flavors and textures. Everything requires your learning process, even give your baby papillas .

When you consult the pediatrician, when you can give solid food to your baby, it is very likely to tell you to wait until 6 months. This is good advice since babies are very sensitive and starting solid foods from the beginning can cause many health problems. However, the baby does not feel satisfied only with breast milk.

The best of all without a doubt is that you follow all the recommendations of your pediatrician, because it is who best knows the evolution of the baby since birth.

Steps to follow:


The weaning of the child and, with it, the introduction of different foods to the breast milk in the child's diet, is a very special event for both the baby and the mother. The baby must know the taste of other foods; the mother must learn another way to offer her food, because the time has come to give her ... her first purées and porridges!


Choose one of the many papillas that are on the market, the most recommended are: Blevit, Nestlé, Nutribén.


It will be ideal for the first paps to have creamy texture and as smooth as possible. If you have a blender it is convenient that you use it so that the porridge turns into a cream.


Follow the package instructions to make the perfect mix, each porridge may have a slightly different process, do not trust and always follow the instructions .


Its taste improves the acceptance on the part of the baby, therefore it is necessary to go testing the one that more it likes our small one.


In the beginning it is better to use foods that have a sweet and smooth flavor, similar to breast milk.


There are some babies that cost them more than others to adapt to the novelty of the spoon in their lives, so it is appropriate that taking this into account, the porridge is more or less liquid, so that the little one is adapted little by little from the bottle to the spoon.


For the peace of the parents tell us that, for example, porridges favor the growth of healthy intestinal flora and absorption of nutrients, they also have a high content of iron, calcium and vitamins, reinforcing natural defenses.