How to cut breast milk

Many women face the problem of how to cut breast milk. And it is not always easy, especially when you have breastfeed because, in general, the body continues to produce milk while breastfeeding lasts in order to ensure the feeding of the newborn. However, there are times when the baby does not want to breast and you have to switch to another diet or you have to start weaning because of your age. These are just some of the cases in which it is necessary to cut the breast milk if the body does not do it naturally. But how to cut breast milk? From, we will explain the different medical treatments that there are, in addition to providing you with a series of natural options and other tips that will help you to achieve it.

Pills to cut breast milk

Surely you have heard of some pills to withdraw breast milk. However, who prescribes the pill to cut the milk? This type of medication can only be prescribed by your doctor, so before going to the pharmacy you must go through him or her. There are several clinical treatments to cut breast milk, such as the following:

  • Pills to cut breast milk : in general, it is the most used treatment because it is one of the fastest ways to cut breast milk, although it can be a bit aggressive, so it is only recommended in those cases that do not form part of the natural weaning or the woman has some health problem. The most common is to use the drug Dostinex, which is the most used when you need to cut milk suddenly, or Cabergoline, whose action in the body is focused on reducing prolactin in the blood, thus hindering the increase in milk production.
  • Vitamins to remove breast milk : another of the most used medical treatments to cut breast milk urgently is to take vitamin B6, whose intake is mainly done orally through pills or capsules. The key is that this vitamin slows the production of plasma prolactin, which is the hormone linked to breast milk.
  • Injections to stop breastfeeding : the doctor can also prescribe injections to cut breast milk. In this case, they are estrogen. It is a less used option because, sometimes, they contain other principles that are related to cancer.

If you are in the process of withdrawing breast milk naturally, you may also be interested in this other article on How to move from the breast to the bottle.

Natural remedies to cut breast milk

In addition to the medical treatments discussed above to cut breast milk, there are other natural remedies that are helpful, although they have no scientific basis. However, they have been used for many centuries and are advice that pass from generation to generation within families. For example:

  • Sage tea : drinking sage tea is one of the natural ways to cut breast milk because it is a natural estrogen that slows production. The way to take it is simple, because you only have to prepare a tea as a normal infusion. In addition, in many herbalists and health food stores you can find it already with the bag ready and ready to make the infusion with only heat the water.
  • Cold packs: placing cold compresses or ice packs covered with a cloth over the breasts can also help you cut breast milk. The key is that it helps to reduce the inflammation that is normal after birth and during the first weeks of postpartum by increasing the size of the breast due to the greater blood flow to the breasts and lymphatic fluid, which is Add your own breast milk.
  • Cabbage leaves : really, there is not much research to corroborate the effectiveness of putting cabbage leaves on the breasts. However, there are people who have tried it and say it works. The key is to take the leaves of cabbage or cabbage (better if they have previously been in the fridge) and placed on the breasts, avoiding the nipple. This will reduce inflammation, achieving an effect similar to cold compresses.

Now that you know how to withdraw breast milk without pills, you may also be interested in this other article on How to lose weight during breastfeeding.

Tips to stop breastfeeding

Apart from the treatments and natural remedies that we have told you to cut breast milk, you can still follow another series of complementary tips that are very helpful:

  • Remove the intakes gradually : this method is more natural and respectful for the breasts, apart from preventing problems such as congestion of the breast or mastitis. Remove the shots always have to be done progressively, so that you remove one day and wait four days to remove another and so on until there are no more. In a few days, the breast will stop producing milk.
  • Do not take milk : to cut off breastfeeding it is not good to use the devices to draw breast milk, because with these systems production is increased.
  • Do not stimulate the nipples : the stimulation of the nipples increases the production of milk. It is recommended that you do not use bras that put a lot of pressure on them.
  • Drink water : dehydration helps produce more milk. Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of water.

With these tips and treatments on how to cut the milk, we hope to have helped you to know more about the solutions you have at your disposal. Always remember to consult with the doctor the best option, especially in the case of pharmacological treatments.