How to help a child with depression

Being a mother or father is one of the most wonderful adventures that a human being can experience, but it also involves responsibilities that must be assumed with patience, empathy, solidarity and understanding if the goal is to play a good role in the development and growth of your child.

Generally parents want, above all else, the happiness of their children, which sometimes leads to an important effort to achieve their welfare. Divorces, non-acceptance of changes, school, friendships or repressed character, there are multiple reasons why your child may be going through a complicated, gray and unhappy situation. In the following article of .com we explain how to help a child with depression, with your support and your affection you will get your child to overcome this heavy condition and return to being a happy person.

Steps to follow:


Is your child constantly moody, sad or melancholic? Is it away from you and the rest of the family? He does not smile anymore, does not he have fun? Depression is not just a low period in the life of any person, this disease is nested inside you, especially during adolescence, since sometimes it is not easy to assimilate and accept the disappointments and changes of life.

Generally, as the days go by, the rage diminishes, the sadness recedes and the negative feelings disappear, however there are times when the discomfort may spread over time, at this time acting is basic.


If you observe that your child does not leave this loop of negativity and sadness, if this type of mood lasts for weeks or months, you should consider the existence of a depressive disorder . In this case, your child will probably experience symptoms such as: discouragement, lack of interest, apathy, low self-esteem and inability to enjoy or communicate normally. These are alarm signals that indicate that it is time to act.


The first step to help a child with depression, after observing the change in behavior and possible symptoms is, without a doubt, to intervene and help you .

First of all you should talk to your child to know what is happening to him, what is the cause of his discomfort. Many parents feel responsible for the depression of their children, others simply consider that the strange behavior is one more part of the complicated adolescence. But the important thing is to establish a communication link, a trustworthy environment that allows you to approach your child in order to help him.


Remind your son that you are by his side . Although it seems obvious, many parents forget to express their children's love and show their support. To overcome depression, you must repeat it as many times as necessary. Many children think that they do not deserve the love and attention of their parents, which produces a feeling of discouragement and discouragement. It is important that your child knows that this is not the case, that you will always be there to support him.


Listen to him, it is important that you try to be as understanding and empathetic as possible, so if you get your child to open up and tell you what is happening, avoid reprimands, sermons, fights or anger, as well as constant and insistent questions.

However serious the situation, you must listen and respect. Then you must act to get your child out of the problem. Avoid at all costs that between you the wall of incomprehension rises, because it will only take you away more from your son.


Go to a therapist . Do not think about what is the last option, since if your child is going through a depressive period, it is best to seek the help of a professional. The success of psychological treatment in this type of disorders through psychotherapy is 80%, do not wait for your child's situation to get complicated and seek help and support from a professional as soon as possible.

Once you have gotten your child to therapy to overcome their depression, you should continue to give your unconditional support. Also, you must control and make sure that it meets all the guidelines stipulated and marked by the psychotherapist, in order to effectively overcome depression.


Check that you take your medications at the time prescribed by the specialist, encourage him to have a healthy and balanced diet and even to perform some physical activity such as bicycle rides, family outings or walks, or relaxation activities that can help you reduce tension. All this can help improve your mood favorably. Remember that the activity will be basic to alleviate any symptoms of depression.


Before, during and after the process of overcoming depression, you should pay close attention to any alarm signal as some indication of suicide, give away your belongings, constantly talk about death, extreme low self-esteem, among others. In the event that something is complicated during this time, do not hesitate to notify and consult the doctor, therapist or professional who is treating your child.


Remember that you must be the first to accept the situation and be aware of it, if you want the child to overcome it and be a happy child again. You should not only encourage and encourage your child, but you should make him see that with effort there are rewards, that with positivity things go well, that happiness is a matter of attitude and that with a smile everything is much more pleasant.

Patience, understanding, empathy, support, encouragement, respect, love and love can help your child overcome a depression . Do not forget to remind him that he is not alone and that everything has a solution, happiness is out there and he must be aware that it is in his hands to get it.