How to help my children overcome a move

A move is not only a change of house, but also involves a duel. In this sense, we refer to mourning, since in that house we left behind, there are memories, emotions and feelings. These aspects not only resonate with adults but also with children, but the difference is that adults have other tools to process it. For children, however, this process is more difficult, since they were accustomed to having a routine around that house, so the change can generate different responses in them, within which we find, fear, anxiety, sadness, among others. We consider that it is of great importance to accompany your children in this process of change, so here we will give you some recommendations to help them overcome a move.

Steps to follow:


Information. When considering the possibility of moving, it is important that you inform your children of this situation. In this way, they gradually prepare for the move. Do not avoid the topic, explain the reasons why they decided to change their house. When the move in date approaches, talk to them again, ask how they feel about this change.


Stimulus. You should encourage children to be excited about the idea of ​​moving . Explain that the new house will be the same or more beautiful than the house where they live now. It is important to be clear that they will have their space as in their current home and try to highlight the positive aspects of this situation. Try to accompany him in this process of change.


Involvement If you have the possibility of them accompanying you to see the possible houses, try to go with them, that way they will feel part of the process. Also let them help you pack the things in your house, especially to what refers to their personal things. It is important that they feel that they are also involved in this process. The same applies for when you unpack in the new house, let them help you in what you consider relevant.


Activities and places. Try to inform yourself about activities and public spaces, such as parks and squares, which your children can attend near the new house. In this way, you can encourage their motivation for change, while reinforcing the positive aspects of the move . If you must change your educational institution, you should talk to the new teachers and explain the situation. In these cases, try to be aware of its adaptation.


Communication. An open and clear communication is the key for this process to be carried out in the best possible way. Take some time to talk with your children about how they feel and express your support. Remind them that this process is not being lived alone but that you are there to accompany them in whatever they need. Show yourself understanding and open to the possible claims made to you. Pay attention to their reactions as anguish or sadness, in order to help them.


Contact. If you move to a place far away from your old house, try to keep in touch with the children's friends. They should know that moving does not mean losing their friends or their activities. Try to invite them to the new house so that your children begin to feel at home. In this way, the new house will also have new memories and positive emotions.