Why can not I upload videos to YouTube?

YouTube allows you to share videos with users around the world. In order for your videos to be available on the YouTube website, you must upload them from your account. In certain cases, it may not be possible for you to upload your videos to YouTube successfully.

How does it work?

You can use the default flash charger or the basic video format. Ideally, both methods should produce the same result, the video ends on YouTube. However, the Flash Loader allows you to see the progress of the video in terms of megabytes transferred, the percentage of upload and the estimated time remaining. If you use the Flash loader, you can also enter a title, description and tags for the video while you wait for the upload to complete.

Flash problems

The first problem that could prevent the loading of videos is that there is a problem with the version of your Flash browser. Whereas Flash Uploader is YouTube's default option, if it is not uploaded by this means, it may suggest that you are not capable of uploading videos. Try the Basic Shipping Tool. Access the Basic Submission Tool, click "Upload" at the top of the screen, and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Basic Submission Tool."

Video size

YouTube limits the size of users' videos, both in terms of their length as well as the file size. In terms of time, for example, the maximum length of video you can upload is 15 minutes, as of April 2011. Video files can not exceed 2 GB. If your video is longer than 15 minutes or 2 GB in file size, these are the reasons why you can not upload to YouTube.

Internet connection

Uploading your video to YouTube requires an Internet connection without cuts. If your connection is cut once or twice during a loading process, it is likely to not affect the final result, but if you are using a connection that often comes and goes, the use of the Internet would be explaining the failure. Wait until you can access a constant Internet connection to upload if the load fails with a bad connection.