What is a brachycephalic dog

Brachycephalic dogs are known for their flattened faces and snipped muzzles. We enjoy their expressions and we enjoy their usual snoring, although they are due to problems derived from its morphology. Many of them have become fashionable, but really few know what is and what care a race of this type needs. In .com we show you what a brachycephalic dog is and how to increase its quality of life.

Steps to follow:


The French bulldog, the English bulldog, the carlino, the Pekingese, the boxer, the shar pei, the lhasa apso and the shih tzu, to name a few, are the most common brachycephalic dog breeds, in which the curious flattened shape of The head is one of its main characteristics in its morphology, although these associated anatomical features can be quite problematic.


In these animals, having a 'squashed' face and much shorter nasal bones, the physiology of the rest of the tissues has had to change and adapt to a worrying lack of space in the entire cranial cavity. This causes, in many occasions, that the size of the nostrils is much smaller than usual, with which the animals suffer a union between nasal cavity and throat with unusual shape and many more anomalies.


The brachycephalic dog syndrome is an obstructive symptom of the upper respiratory tract due, precisely, to those anomalies that can present on our pet's face: very narrow nostrils, soft palate elongated towards the back of the throat, creeping towards the tracks of the laryngeal saccules and a trachea with less diameter compared with that of other races.


Any of these genetic abnormalities makes it difficult for the brachycephalic dog to breathe, being the most common symptoms laborious and / or noisy breathing, intolerance to exercise due to fatigue, reflux of food, coughing, sneezing and difficulty swallowing. In addition, all brachycephalic dogs are more likely to suffer from heat stroke, because they can not regulate the temperature correctly through breathing.


If you have a brachycephalic dog at home and you notice some anomaly in it that we have mentioned, do not hesitate to go to your trusted veterinarian because, well diagnosed, your hairy can undergo some treatment that improves the syndrome. Also try not to expose them to hot situations, to exercise without exhausting and at cooler hours and to always have fresh water nearby.