How to mute advertising on Spotify with Smutefy (Mac)

Spotify, one of the applications to listen and share music with your most popular friends, has a small problem for those who do not want to hire a Premium account: advertising. "But if they're just ads, " you'll say. Yes, but if, like many people, you are a regular user of the application, the ads may appear every 10 minutes or less, becoming a real ordeal. If you are a Mac user you are in luck, in .com we explain how to silence advertising on Spotify with an application called Smutefy .

You will need to:
  • Mac
  • Growl (notification system for Mac OS X)
  • Soundflower
  • Smutefy
Steps to follow:


If you do not have Growl and Soundflower installed on your Mac, you should download and install them. You can do it here:

    • Download Growl for free here
    • Download Soundflower for free here


Download Smutefy, you can do it here //


Double-click on the file that was downloaded, when Smutefy is mounted on your computer, drag the icon to the applications folder .


To open Smutefy, go to the applications folder and double-click on the icon.


And that's it! Every time you are listening to Spotify and an announcement sounds Smutefy will lower the volume of the ad so you do not hear it. How does the program detect it? Well, by the name of the tracks, it's that simple.