How to protect the mobile from water

Our smartphone has become an extension of ourselves, is an essential part of our day to day and it is also the simplest way to always stay in touch with our environment. That is why when we leave it at home or when it suffers an accident we feel desperate. We want to recover it at all costs! And certainly a dramatic situation is when the mobile ends up submerged in pool water, in the sea or in the WC, which immediately puts us to run to recover it and avoid serious damage. To prevent these episodes as much as possible, in .com we give you some basic tips so you can discover how to protect your phone from water and guarantee its maximum duration.

Steps to follow:


Many of the phones that have recently been launched on the market have the functionality of being waterproof . But be very careful with this function, since you must have clear the manufacturer's instructions to know in which cases it is convenient to do it and in which it is not.

The first thing you should know is that waterproof always refers to fresh water without chemicals, that is if your mobile is submerged in seawater even when it is supposed to be waterproof there is a great chance that it will suffer some damage, and it is that the water with saltpeter to penetrate in the device will be able to affect it severely. In this case better to regret than to prevent, keep your mobile away from the sea .

Check the manual of your phone and in the case of being waterproof look how long it can last submerged and how deep. In most cases this functionality protects your device from accidents like a fall in the toilet or someone accidentally splashing water on it.


Many of the tips to protect the water mobile are, for some, quite obvious, however they are still clear and useful recommendations on how to avoid accidents that end the life of our smartphone.

To begin, and if you want to have your device well protected, it is best to purchase a waterproof case that keeps you away from accidents. Although they are more expensive than normal cases it is a great alternative and a good investment, especially if you have paid a large amount of money for your device. These covers protect you in addition to other factors that can cause damage, such as heat or sand.


If you are not willing to pay more for a case, then there is a cheaper alternative to protect your phone from the water when you go to the beach, the pool, get on a boat etc. It is the hermetic plastic bags, for sale in any supermarket, and that allow you to have your device well protected in your backpack or bag during the days of fun.

Although it is an economical option you should know that this does not protect it from factors such as heat or sand, and that it will not be possible to use your mobile phone while it is in the bag, so you should also remove it if you want to use it, running a small risk Despite this, it is a good alternative for those who travel more to these types of environments.


We have two clear solutions to protect the mobile phone from water : the waterproof cases and the airtight bags, despite this, some common sense recommendations never hurt, so if you want to avoid accidents in .com, we suggest you:

  • Avoid taking your mobile to walk to the beach or the pool, protect it well to avoid accidents and do not commit imprudence like placing your bag and towel very close to the shore of the beach, sunbathing on a breakwater in which any wave Suddenly you can soak up your belongings or immerse yourself in the water with the device to take a picture, which can end very badly.
  • Never, never from ever, use the toilet with your mobile in the back pocket of your trousers. There are many chances that it will end up submerged and if the bathroom is public you will have a very bad time.
  • If you have the habit of taking your phone to the bathroom, always leave it in a safe place where you can not get wet.
  • Do not take your cell phone to the table where you eat, not only because it is very rude to be aware of your device during a meal with friends or family, but because anyone can spill liquid on the table and make your device soaked.

Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry.