How to deactivate the answering machine of my mobile

Who has never called someone and found their answering machine ? Regardless of your company, we are sure that if you bought a new mobile phone, you have activated your voicemail without your permission. In .com we have selected all the Spanish companies that offer mobile services, such as Orange, Movistar, Vodafone, Yoigo or Pepephone, and we explain the steps to follow to deactivate the answering machine .


To deactivate Vodafone's automatic mailbox, just press # 147 # and click on the call button.


Deactivating the answering machine in Yoigo is somewhat more complicated. To do this without losing the option of missed calls, you must call each of these numbers separately: * 67 * 556 # * 62 * 556 # * 61 * 556 #

You can also do it directly through the menu of your mobile phone. To start, go to the 'Tools' or 'Settings' icon, select 'Calls' and then 'Divert Calls'. Once inside this menu, click on 'Voice calls', 'Communicate / Do not answer / Phone off or out of coverage' and choose when you want the mailbox to appear.


Deactivating the answering machine in Movistar is simple; Call 22537 and press '4' if they ask you what service you want to disable. The options offered are the following:

1. Disable mailbox when you communicate.

2. Disable mailbox when you do not answer.

3. Disable mailbox when you are without coverage.

4. Disable mailbox completely.


Orange is one of the most evasive companies when it comes to enabling the mailbox ; however, deactivating it is easy, call ## 002 # and forget about it.


To disable Simyo voicemail, call 1213 and press number 5 when listing the different options presented to you. To check that it has been fulfilled, call 1213 again and check if it is deactivated.


Just like in Orange, call ## 002 # and forget about the Pepephone answering machine.