How to know who visits my Facebook profile

If you want to know who visits your personal profile on Facebook you will like to know that there are some tricks that allow us to discover it. Specifically, there is a simple, quick and effective trick that shows you the people who most access your profile page and, therefore, see you more frequently. Are you interested in knowing? Well keep reading this article where we tell you how to know who visits my Facebook profile with a very easy trick and also with the use of a special extension for it. So, open your personal Facbook profile and start to find out.

You will need to:
  • A computer with Internet access
  • A Facebook account
Steps to follow:


We begin by explaining the best trick to know who visits your Facebook profile frequently. It is a very simple process and you do not need extra facilities, since it is done directly from the homepage of your Facebook account, where you will find news and news about your friends. So, follow these simple steps to know who visits your profile, starting by opening the source code of the page as follows:

  1. Enter your personal Facebook profile .
  2. Open the source code of the page, press F12, CTRL + or, right click and click on the option " see the source code of the page " or "Inspect".
  3. A screen opens to the right or in another tab with a series of numbers and codes, this is the source code of the page.

Below, we show you all the steps and images to know who visits your Facebook profile through the source code of the page.


When you are on this screen you must press the CTRL and F keys at the same time and, in this way, you will open a small box or tab to search. In this box you will have to write the word " friendslist ", without the quotes, and you will see new results in the upper part of this screen.


The results that appear after the word "friendslist" are numeric codes in red. These are finished in "-2", but to know who visits your personal Facebook profile you will only need the previous numbers to this final part. These numbers are the profile code of this social network of the people who most enter your profile and with whom you have recently chatted on Facebook Messenger.


To find out who it is, you only have to copy the previous numbers to "-2" and paste them in the bar of your browser after the domain of the Facebook page. For example: .


In this way you will directly access the profile of this social network of who has visited or chatted with you lately. You can repeat the process to reveal all the codes and see all the people that enter your Facebook page.

Also, if you have other social networks like Instagram, in this other article we also explain how to know who visits your Instagram.


Another excellent option to know who visits your personal profile on Facebook, in which you do not have to use the source code, is to install the Facebook Flat extension . This extension will allow you to see who enters your profile, but you should know that it only works for Google Chrome, so you must install it in this browser and access your account through it.

Once Facebook Flat is installed, simply go to the column on the left and click on the Profile Visitors option, where the list of people who have accessed your profile will be displayed. Fast and easy!


And if you are also interested in this social network does not show that you are in contact with certain people discover how to hide friends on Facebook or how to download your information from the social network to maintain better control over it.


Keep in mind that Facebook makes continuous updates, therefore, it is possible that at some point disable any application and can no longer be used. However, it is likely that other applications that fulfill the same function and that can also serve you will continue to emerge.

Also, it is very important that you bear in mind that there are many applications and extensions that are false, some may contain viruses and others just look for the user to buy. Therefore, do not trust any application, much less if you have to pay for it. So, if before knowing these tricks you had already downloaded or installed some, it is better that you uninstall them as soon as possible since it will not do you any good.