How to hide from heavy friends in Facebook chat

In .com we are sure that you have added many people with whom, really, you do not want to engage in conversation through Facebook chat . The good news is that you do not have to do it anymore. For some time, the social network offers some advanced settings to stop worrying about if you are online in case you find one of your heavy friends . In fact, if you are working and want to connect without your boss can see you connected, We can help you explain, step by step, the instructions you must follow.

You will need to:
  • A computer with Internet access.
  • A Facebook account.
Steps to follow:


The most efficient way to hide in Facebook chat is by creating a list of people you do not want to talk to. From your homepage of the social network, click on the '+' link next to 'Friends'.


Now in the new screen, select 'Create a list', just in the upper right corner of the window.


Name the list as you wish, in .com we have called it 'Heavy', and start typing the names of the people you want or citing you in the Facebook chat . Next, press 'Create'.


Next, go to the chat and select the little nut icon, that is, 'Options'. Inside, click on 'Advanced Settings'.


Within the pop-up window, we find three options. Select the first 'All your friends see you except ...' and write, in the box, the name of the list. In this case, 'Heavy'. To finish, press 'Save'.


Congratulations! No heavy friends will ever bother you in Facebook chat .