What to do if you lose my bags at the airport

That moment in which you are in the tape, waiting for your luggage after a trip, and you see that they leave and leave suitcases, none is yours and the minutes pass, every time there are fewer people around and you more and more Anguished, until you have to admit that it is final, that your luggage is not there and that it may be lost or on the other side of the world. This story is not part of a nightmare, it is certainly an unpleasant experience that no one is exempt from, so in .com we give you some keys so you know what to do if you lose your bags at the airport

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should know is that your rights as a passenger in this situation are set out in the Montreal Convention, which applies to all companies in the European Union and those that are not from the EU but that make flights between two member countries


If your luggage disappears you should go immediately to the counter of the airline for which you have traveled, to fill out the PIR claim form (part of baggage irregularity) where you make your claim official. Next to this document you must present boarding pass and luggage tickets


The airline has a certain time to answer about your luggage, 10 days in the case of domestic flights and 21 days in the case of international flights, during this time they must either return your bags or declare their disappearance definitively


NEVER include valuables in your luggage unless you have it insured or have made a declaration of value to the airline, this is important because the maximum rate of payment that an airline can give for your luggage is 1200 euros, if that you were inside exceeded this amount and you did not declare it, you must give it up for lost


The airline will have a maximum period of 31 days to respond to any compensation


If the suitcase has been lost when you are arriving at a destination, the airline handles different solutions from offering you a kit with essential products, to give you cash or money in case you should buy clothes because you have lost everything in your luggage . You should keep all the invoices and inform yourself well, as each company has its policies


It is very important that you always carry with you hand luggage, in which you keep some essential items, underwear and at least two or three changes of clothes, this will help you to endure at least a few days while the suitcase appears, as they are really few times the luggage disappears completely


Avoid wearing jewelry, expensive electronic devices and any other item of excessive value in your suitcase, if you want to travel with them always do it in your carry-on bag so that they are at your full range


In the most serious cases, where the damage is severe you can even resort to a lawsuit, for this you have up to 2 years after the incident


These measures also apply in case of damage or opening of luggage

  • When traveling, especially in connections, make sure that both the ticket you receive and the one that is attached to the suitcase have the correct acronyms of your final destination, if you can detect an error at that point you will prevent your suitcase from being left in a destiny different from yours
  • Always travel with sturdy luggage, in this way you will prevent it from deteriorating
  • Remember that when traveling nobody is exempt from going through this unpleasant experience, so be very patient, and get advice on your benefits checking the Montreal Convention