How to lead difficult people

Throughout life we ​​encounter communication challenges such as having to deal with difficult people . In working life and, especially if we are leaders of a department, it is very important to know our workers well to decipher what is the best way we can communicate with them, how we should treat them, in what tone we should speak to them and what things can be done. hurt them or awaken their temper.

No employee is perfect and many times that worker that we consider has a bad attitude, is only responding through their behavior to fears and insecurities of their own. Therefore, it is in the hands of a good leader to know how to manage the human talent that reports to get the best out of them and get the results you want. If you find yourself facing this job challenge and want to know how to lead difficult people, in this article you will find the necessary keys to achieve your goal.

Steps to follow:


The first thing you must do to lead difficult people is to evaluate their talent . Knowing the skills of that person you do not know very well how to deal with will allow you to be aware of the importance of their work for the department and will give you sufficient arguments to communicate that you are aware of the value it means for the organization, showing that you appreciate their work and that you are there to help him, not to hinder him.


To lead difficult people you must also analyze their trajectory and determine how they got to that position. In many occasions people rise in jobs for their talent and preparation and not for their social attitudes or, in the ideal case, for a mixture of both. Offering tools such as emotional intelligence courses applied to work, corporate leadership or NLP will allow you to better manage your behavior.


Avoid criticism . To lead difficult people you must be very careful in the way you correct their faults, because any criticism or pointing can be wrong and generate unnecessary discussion. Instead of the negative comments, start by highlighting the achievements that difficult person has obtained and then mention those points that should continue working to continue to be better and better.


Be assertive Why does that person act like that? What happens? Why is it always in conflict? Knowing more about your employees, without intervening in their private life, will allow you to decipher what is the root of the problem and find the way to solve it. In most cases, difficult people adopt a docile behavior as a response mechanism to hide insecurity or fear of failure.


Although in your hands is to find the ideal communication to lead difficult people, you can not stop demanding respect . When it comes to people who think they know more than everyone else in the company, who do not accept any constructive criticism and that every time they are not right generate a conflict, it is best to make clear who is responsible for the department, making them see very kind way that their knowledge and expertise are valued, but there is nothing wrong with defending other ideas and betting on other talents.


The best way to lead difficult people is to maintain a discourse focused on achieving the objectives of the organization. When people generate empathy with the company for which they work, it is easier to influence their work and encourage them to do it better and better. Labor empathy is key to influencing a difficult person and making it a priority for the interests of the organization before their personal interests within the company.


Finally, to lead difficult people, it is advisable to communicate everything . Never avoid expressing your opinion or your corrections for fear of the way that person will react, on the contrary, try to talk openly about the things you want that worker to improve and correct to achieve the well-being of the team. Evading the problems that arise will only generate greater problems.