How to get the PIC code

The PIC code or Participant Identification Code has nine digits . It is a unique identifier that will allow organizations to submit a grant application form and, in addition, will serve as a reference for the National or Executive Agency in its communications with the applicant / beneficiary. This code will be imposed as a standard for companies, universities and people when they want to process certain aids, contracts or agreements with the European Union. Below we explain everything you have to do to get the PIC code.

You will need to:
  • Computer
  • Internet connection
  • All data
Steps to follow:


Register your organization in the Authentication Service of the European Commission (ECAS), if you had not previously registered.


Log in to the Participant Portal with the data obtained in the ECAS account and register the organization in the Unique Registration System (URF), through which a Participant Identification Code ( PIC) will be obtained . for its acronym in English).


Organizations can consult these brief Instructions to register in the Participant Portal.

  • We recommend that you ask for the PIC code and that you have a bit of patience and the Google translator next to you, since all the information is currently in English.