How to treat a mythomaniac

Mythomania is characterized by an uncontrollable need to lie in any situation. The mitómanos falsify the reality without measuring the consequences of their lies, it is thus, that usually have big problems at family level, labor and, in the most extreme cases, at the legal level. Next we will introduce you, how to treat a mythomaniac .

Steps to follow:


Consult with a specialist. The treatment for mythomania involves investigating several aspects of the personality that stimulate and favor the need to have this type of behavior. It is frequent that the mythomaniac does not attend the consultation by himself, but rather that a family member takes the initiative.


Talk about the situation. It is very important that the mythomaniac feels accompanied in this process and that he can express his feelings about his situation. Provide support and containment is the basis for recovery.


Work self-esteem The mitómanos tend to have a low self-esteem that leads to the need to distort reality. For this reason, working self-esteem is essential in these cases.


Realism. When we are sure that a mythomaniac is falsifying reality, it is necessary to rectify what he is saying and tell the event as it happened. In this way, little by little we encourage their stories to refer to real events.