How to write fits or digs

The use of B and V causes great confusion in many people, and is that orally the pronunciation of both letters is not distinguished, which sometimes makes us not know what is the correct way to write it. This is aggravated when, in addition, both words exist in the Spanish language, as is the case of cabe and cave . But in .com we are here to solve your everyday doubts, that's why we explain how to spell or dig and in which cases to use each word.

It fits

The word fits has different meanings, however it is used mostly as the present in the third person singular of the verb caber, which means being able to contain one thing within another, having space or capacity. Examples:

  • "Juan is so skinny that he fits anywhere"
  • "Very large closet and it does not fit in the room"
  • "Within what fits the dinner did not go so badly"

In addition this word is used in common expressions like "it is possible to emphasize ".


On the other hand, the word cave is the present indicative of the third person in singular of the verb dig, that is to remove and raise the earth, to deepen or to penetrate something or something. Therefore when we want to refer to this action we will always have to write the word with V. Examples:

  • "I must wait until he digs to plant the tree"
  • "I hope the detective digs into this whole thing until he finds the truth"
  • "Let it dig until the hole has the necessary depth"