What is canine coprophagy?

Canine coprophagy is a disorder that can affect our pet, which will have a strange behavior that is that it eats its own excrement or those of other animals. This pathology can lead the dog to suffer intestinal problems and suffer serious infections. To be able to identify it, in .com we explain what canine coprophagy is .

Steps to follow:


As we pointed out, this disease consists of a behavior disorder in which the dog eats its droppings or those of other animals.


We must look for the reason of the coprophagia in the diet that we are providing to our dog . The safest thing is that the food we give is not enough and the animal has to look for something additional, or they are not balanced and there is a lack of some nutrient.


Sometimes, although the diet is balanced and adequate in quantity, our dog eats excrement because it is imitating the behavior of another animal that has seen it do so. Despite the rejection that this can cause us, the feces have a pleasant taste for our pet.


There are three types of coprophagy :

  • autocoprofagia: the dog consumes its own excrement.
  • Intraspecific coprophagy : the animal eats the poop of other dogs.
  • interspecific coprophagy : the pet eats excrement from other species.


Of the three types of coprophagy, the last two are the most dangerous, since the dog can be infected with serious diseases and infections. For example, if the dog eats the stool of a cat, it can get toxoplasmosis.