What are the most common infectious diseases in cats

If you have a cat or a cat as a pet, you will be interested to know everything about the animal so that you can take care of it as it deserves and be healthy. But to keep it healthy you must know the most common diseases that can have and, in addition, which are the infectious ones since these are the most serious. That's why from .com we show you which are the most common infectious diseases in cats.

Steps to follow:


Feline viral panleukopenia. This disease is characterized by a severe decrease in white blood cells and the destruction of the intestinal mucosa, causing severe diarrhea. It can affect pregnant females producing alterations in their offspring within the uterus, later manifesting as nerve or growth disorders, among others.


Feline viral rhinotracheitis. Affecting the area of ​​the nose and trachea produces fever, coughing, sneezing and nasal congestion. Ulcers may also appear in the mouth. In addition, the cat has a lack of appetite, decay and conjunctivitis. In small cats it can trigger in pneumonia and in pregnant cats in abortions.


Feline calicivirus. This disease has some similarity with feline rhinotracheitis, although it is more benign. It produces alterations in the mucosa, conjunctivitis and nasal congestion. It also produces sneezes and sneezes.


Infectious perionitis. Abscesses, tumors in the abdominal cavity and large ascites and alterations in the liver may occur.


Feline leukemia. It is more common in adult cats. This disease can cause tumors, anemia, decreased white blood cells and defenses. The cat can catch infections of many types because of its immunosuppression.


Chlamydia They can cause conjunctivitis, which can become chronic, and respiratory problems.


Pathogenic fungi. Round spots appear and peeling on the cat's skin.


Rage It affects the central nervous system of the cat, causing important changes in its temperament and behavior.


If you see any signs of illness in your cat or notice something that is not normal, do not hesitate to go to your veterinarian immediately to examine your pet.