How to be more productive on a day-to-day basis

Many associate productivity only with the work environment, but in order to successfully carry out all the activities that we set out on a daily basis without the need to postpone everything for the weekend (when we assume we have more free time), it is necessary to organize ourselves an effective form. How to be more productive on a day to day basis is a question that many people ask themselves, that is why in .com we give you some key tips so that you can get it.

Steps to follow:


Carrying an agenda is one of the best tips to get more productive on a day to day basis and it is not just that you do not forget meetings, appointments and commitments, but it also helps you create a list of priorities to attend to. On paper everything is clear while in our head there are things we can forget


Set time lapses to carry out certain tasks without distractions and try to stay in those margins. It is very important to take advantage of all the hours you can in the day, both at work and outside of it.


Concentration is vital, both in the work to carry out successfully all tasks, and in your home to get organized. If you are doing a specific task forget for a moment about your mobile, your computer, Internet, TV and any other factor that may distract you. 20 minutes concentrated are worth more than 1 hour dispersed


It is necessary to delegate, if possible in your work do it, you can also apply the advice for home. You should not be the one who deals with absolutely all the tasks when your partner or family can help you, so learn to be an effective manager instead of an exhausted and exhausted worker


Take advantage of the dead time, that you spend waiting for something. In the subway or the bus, while you wait for a medical consultation, before an appointment with someone: read a good book, send some pending emails from your mobile, make the shopping list, make some calls. You will feel much more productive than losing 20 minutes without doing anything, remember time is money


Learn to be flexible and not die in the face of setbacks. If at that time you planned you can not perform the activity you want to go on to the next one, if an unexpected invitation arises that you want to take advantage of, reorganize your agenda so that you also have the time to enjoy


At work avoid working overtime continuously, this far from making you seem more productive could indicate that for some reason you are not fulfilling your day effectively, so check what is happening and adjust the details, focus and take your tasks out in the schedule stipulated for it

  • Our daily productivity depends to a large extent on the capacity of organization that we have and the concentration that we dedicate
  • Sometimes it can be overwhelming to constantly have a list of pending, but that's the way life is, so instead of complaining, work to be as productive as possible