What are the symptoms of hepatitis in dogs

Canine hepatitis is a disease that only affects dogs and has no relationship with human hepatitis. Thanks to the vaccines that exist this ailment is becoming less frequent. Hepatitis is a very contagious and sometimes deadly disease especially in puppies dogs that have not been vaccinated. In .com we tell you what are the symptoms of hepatitis in dogs, so that if you detect them you go immediately to the vet.

Steps to follow:


The symptoms of canine viral hepatitis are diverse and variable in severity. The most acute form of this disease that occurs in puppies of dog can cause a sudden death. Dogs less than 3 weeks old may begin to manifest abdominal pain, and may die within hours. This form of the disease is rare, especially if the mother of the puppy is properly vaccinated, in this way the dog enjoys natural temporary protection.


In the acute form of the disease, in the initial phase a very lethargic state is perceived in the dog. During the examination, one of the most common symptoms is inflammation of the tonsils, an elevated body temperature, a strong reddening of the mucous membranes and inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw. If your dog has acute tonsillitis, pay attention because it is very rare.

After these symptoms, the disease usually causes diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite and in some cases, feel discomfort if exposed to intense light. In a more advanced stage, the area of ​​the liver hurts when being palpated, signs of jaundice and bleeding of gums appear. Another additional symptom is that the musculature of the abdomen is very tense because of the pain. When a dog reaches this stage of the disease if they overcome it, it will take a few weeks to recover completely.

Here are some tips so you know what a dog with hepatitis can eat.


Symptoms in the mild form of canine viral hepatitis can be not very high fever, and occasionally, diarrhea, and swollen lymph nodes. Although the clinical picture is not very varied, convulsions can confuse this disease with distemper. And it is not strange that a dog can suffer both the distemper virus and viral hepatitis.

There is a symptom known as the "blue eye" corneal edema that is very common to appear in many dogs that suffer certain strains of hepatitis. They usually appear 10 days later after the first symptoms and is characterized by the formation of a cloudy and blue edema on the ocular surface that will disappear without any problem. Many times, this is the only symptom that is perceived.


Canine viral hepatitis is caused by a virus called canine adenovirus type 1 . The source of infection is usually the ingestion of feces, urine or saliva from dogs that have the disease. A dog when it is recovering the infection can expel the virus for half a year through the urine. It is a very resistant virus and can remain in the environment for months.

In situations of overcrowding and very young dogs if they contract the disease they can die in a few hours. Pay attention to your pet and, above all, do not forget any vaccine that puts your health and that of other dogs at risk. In you we discover the vaccines that a dog needs.