How is the prediction for Leo during 2019

This 2019 prediction for Leo tells us that it will be a perfect year in terms of working life. Great successes are predicted in terms of popularity, work and increased consideration by your bosses, something that will consequently lead to periods of stress.

In we want to help you get on the right foot in the new year by telling you what the prediction is like for Leo during 2019 .

Love and family

2019 may be a year in which Leo sees how insecurities increase, something that in the field of love can lead to the appearance of unfounded jealousy that may affect your relationship with your partner. Therefore, it is advisable that you work on your self-esteem and trust your partner to be able to continue forward in your own, otherwise, the relationship will be destined to fail.

If you do not have a partner, this 2019 will mean a year of change for you since you will put aside the idealism of your perfect partner and start looking for a person of flesh and blood who can accompany you and give you the love you need.

If you want to know more about this sign on the sentimental level, visit the article How Leo is in love.


A good year is predicted in the work this 2019 and is that, finally, the people of this sign will begin to leave behind their professional insecurities and different projects of great interest for Leo will come out .

In the workplace you will begin to see how your work is recognized by your colleagues and your bosses and how you are gaining their respect and admiration. 2019 is a good year for you to dare with projects that you did not dare before because, professionally, this is your year.


As a result of your prosperous working life, 2019 will be a year in which the economy in the Leo will go perfectly. You will not have any economic ups and downs because your work and your professional recognitions will begin to make a deep impression on your company.

Yes, do not start spending endlessly, keep in mind that although you're not going to go wrong money, it is important to save and be proactive in case you need some money at some point. Keep a cool head and, even if you have many professional successes, I save a little for saving.


2019 what Leo can experience the most in terms of health, is a state of stress that leads to ailments and discomforts in their day to day. Take care of your anxiety and do not let problems or work take over your body, it is important that you relax, that you leave space for yourself and yours and that you stay away from stress whenever you can.


Leo's friendship relations in 2019 will be decisive. Why? Because throughout this year you will see how those relationships that you already know that have no future, begin to dissolve and those that do believe in them, begin to acquire more strength. Therefore, we recommend that you spend time with those you know are forever and stop wasting time with people who, sooner or later, will leave your life.

2019 will mean a year of popularity for the Leo that will see how their social relationships increase and become, in many cases, the center of attention.