How to care for a cat with distemper

Feline distemper, also known as panleucopenia, is a very serious viral contagion disease that can put the life of our animal at risk. More common in cats younger than 5 months, in felines that have not been vaccinated against in viruses, in sick cats and in those that are in contact with many other felines, for example in a shelter, this condition causes the health of our pet degenerates in an important way, so it is important to give some attention. In .com we explain how to care for a cat with distemper .

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should know is that feline distemper or panleukopenia does not have a specific medical treatment, but a series of measures are applied to try to reduce the symptoms and save the animal. This virus affects the nervous and digestive system and the bone marrow of your cat.

Only a veterinarian can diagnose this condition, so if your cat has some of the symptoms of this virus you should take it to a specialist as soon as possible.


The first thing you should do to care for a cat with distemper is to follow all the instructions of the veterinarian to the letter. It is important to remember that panleukopenia is a very dangerous virus that can compromise the life of your cat, so it is necessary to know exactly what state the cat is in and what the medical prognosis is. Sometimes the animal may have to stay hospitalized to try to control the progress of the disease.


If your cat has panleukopenia it is important to keep it well hydrated to prevent diarrhea and vomiting from causing further damage. The cat may not want to drink from his plate, in this case water should be administered through a syringe without a needle, it is also possible to give veterinary moisturizing drinks, consult with the doctor regarding this point.


In addition to following the medical treatment and hydrating the animal, to care for a cat with distemper it is essential to feed it properly. Your pet is very weak to eat normal feed, so the ideal is to feed him with canned food and force him to eat. Again you can use the syringe to feed it directly into your mouth.

Ask your doctor for some vitamins and nutrients that can help you improve and recover.


If you have other cats at home it will be important to isolate the infected cat to avoid infection. The animal must remain in a warm space of the home in clean sanitary conditions and above all very comfortable. Neither should be missing the love and mimes, as in any other physical condition if the cat feels your love and care for the chances of recovery is greater. Feline distemper is not contagious to humans, so do not skimp on love for your cat since you run no risk.


Remember that if your cat manages to overcome this condition it will be very important to vaccinate against panleukopenia, as it is the only way to prevent this disease.