What are the complications of dog bites in children

Dog bites represent a real problem in children. In addition to producing lesions of diverse severity, they can evolve to infectious complications, cosmetic sequelae and psycho-emotional damage. Next, the complications of dog bites in children will be described .

You will need to:
  • bacteriological studies
  • antibiotics
Steps to follow:


The signs of infectious complications secondary to dog bites usually appear 24-72 hours after the accident.


When the germ that produces the infection is Pasteurella multocida, the clinical signs appear early, within the first hours after the injury, presenting serous-hematic secretion at the level of the lesions.


The appearance of purulent discharge, or cellulitis (pain, flushing, swelling) with or without fever are the most frequent findings.


In these situations, bacteriological studies of the wound or area of ​​cellulitis should be requested.


The initial antibiotic treatment will be empirical, and later it will adjust to the bacteriology and sensitivity.


Bite wounds should be controlled, within 72 hours of the occurrence, even if the patient is under prophylactic antibiotic treatment.


Sometimes arthritis and tenosynovitis occur in the hands or feet when the wounds are sharp.


Also by this mechanism osteitis may occur in the cranial bones in the face bites.


Rarely, systemic infections occur.


Sepsis, endocarditis, mycotic aneurysms are described within the most serious clinical forms.

  • If you were bitten by a dog, consult a doctor.
  • Try to avoid children's contact with dogs.