Is it normal for my cat to snore? - discover the answer here

YES, it is normal for a cat to snore. In fact, there are many breeds of these animals that simply snore when they are asleep because they are in a position that produces snoring. However, there are also some conditions that can cause your cat to snore, such as obesity, allergies, asthma, etc. In this article we are going to discover that it is normal for a cat to snore but, also, we will give you the causes of this situation so that you can know the origin of your snoring.

Causes by which a cat snores: the most common

Although it may be that your cat snores because he is simply asleep and has a body position that causes this sound, there may also be some factors that encourage the appearance of these snoring. There are certain characteristics or conditions that can cause a cat to snore, and then we will discover the most common.

Obesity in cats

If your pet is overweight or obese, it may be snoring. The reason is that excess fat can affect your vital organs and, also, can prevent the air passes quietly through the airways. Therefore, in this other article we discover how to make your cat lose weight.

Cats of brachycephalic breeds

Another reason why a cat can snore is because it is of a gill-head type, that is, a type of feline that has a slightly larger head (for example, Persian cats or Himalayas). They have a slightly flatter nose and, therefore, the air can enter more difficult when completely relaxed; This is not a problem for your health is just a characteristic of your race.

Respiratory diseases in cats

Another reason why your cat can snore is because he has a condition or respiratory disease that is making it difficult for him to access the air. The most common are the following:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis and pneumonia
  • Feline cough
  • Allergies

Paranasal polyps

It may be that the cause of a cat snore is that it has the presence of a small tumor in the airways that produces the vibration when breathing and, therefore, we perceive it as a snoring. It will be necessary to remove the tumor, therefore, it is best to go to the veterinarian to check the status of the animal.

My cat snores awake, why?

A cat, like a human, only snores when it is asleep. But it can happen that, when you are awake, your breathing emits a series of sounds that resemble snoring. It is not normal for a cat to snore while awake and, if this happens, it is because there is some factor that is affecting his respiratory tract . We recommend that, as soon as you notice that your pet makes noise when breathing, consult with the veterinarian to make a diagnosis according to your situation.

Anyway , we must not be upset either, as we mentioned above, there are some factors that can make your cat snore without being asleep as the following:

  • The breed of the animal: if the cat is of brachycephalic breed it is normal to make noise when breathing because it has a flattened nose
  • Mucus : it can also be that the animal has a cold and that the sound you perceive is nothing more than the presence of snot in the nose. In this other article we tell you how to treat a cat's cold.
  • Respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, allergies ... Any of these conditions can encourage the noisy breathing of the cat.

Snoring vs purring

Now that you know that it is normal for a cat to snore we have to add this section to make it clear that snoring is not the same as purring. The purr is a communication tool that felines have and that warn us that they are comfortable and happy at a specific time.

Why a cat purrs

Felines purr when they feel good and happy but, also, they usually do it as a greeting to another cat. For this reason, when your cat sits next to you or curls up next to you, it is usually habitual to start purring as a symbol of well-being.

But, in addition to being a sign of happiness, the purr is also a communicative tool that the animal uses to ask something from another cat. For example, if we see a puppy we will perceive that he uses the purr to get his mother to feed him. It is for this reason that, also, it may be the case that your cat approaches you and purrs because he is asking you for food. It is a strategy to get attention and to attend to it.