How to teach a parrot to speak

A parrot is one of the most fun and friendly pets you can have. Thanks to the ease they have to learn and repeat different words and phrases, they are an excellent company and offer a great opportunity to live with them when training them. However, they also require a lot of special attention and care if you want them to respond and talk with you. Here are some tips to teach the parrot to talk:

Steps to follow:


Patience Not all parrots learn to speak with the same ease . This does not depend so much on the intelligence of the animal as on its own character but also on how it is treated and how comfortable it is in your home.


The first thing to find out when buying a parrot, especially if it is already large, is if you have had an owner to teach you before. If so, it is convenient to know what techniques you used to avoid confusing the animal . Otherwise, or if the parrot is still small, much better, since it will get used only to you.


Second, you must provide a pleasant space . This is achieved with a good size cage, where you have the possibility to move. Make him get used to a type of food soon but share a bit of what humans eat. In the Petsy virtual store you can find everything you need to make them feel at home.


You must place it in a busy place in the house so that it is habituated to people and at a height where it can be considered as another member of the group. That is, more or less at the height of your face, neither too high nor too low, this will make it easier for you to learn to speak and you will have to make less effort to teach it.


Take at least fifteen minutes twice a day to teach him to speak . Start with short and easy words, like "hello", repeat your own name or yours. If you try to teach long or difficult sentences, you will only be able to confuse them and make learning more difficult.


It is important to make him feel like another member of the house . Treat it with love and not as an accessory since they are very intelligent and can feel uncomfortable and sad if they are only looking for entertainment.


Finally, we will add that it is a good idea to feed the parrot with your hand on the occasions when you want to give them a reward. Of course, they respond favorably to these stimuli, they will feel comfortable and will want to talk to you frequently.