How to request a claim or second correction of selectivity

Selectivity is the necessary test to be able to access university studies in Spanish universities, whether public or private. This exam is part of the university entrance exams (PAU). Tests in which the Bachillerato courses are also taken into account.There are two annual exams for the selectivity, so the student can present in the successive call to improve the qualification of the general phase or the specific phase. But even so it may be that on some occasion the student is not satisfied with the grade that has been granted, which is why he must claim . Here is how to request a claim or second correction of the selectivity .

Deadline to claim

When the ratings are published, you have a period of 3 days to request a claim or a second correction.


If the student makes a claim, he / she must know that in this case the exam is not corrected, but only that the exam has been corrected in its entirety, as well as that the qualifications of the different sections have been added and these They have been transferred correctly to the different documents. Therefore, in the claim, a review of the qualification and annotation process is made in the pertinent documents.

Second correction.

If the student asks for a second correction of his exam, it will be done by a specialized professor different from the one who corrected the exam for the first time. When the test is corrected again if you see if both grades awarded for the same test are more or less similar or equal or on the contrary there is a difference greater than two points. If so, the test will be corrected again by a third specialist. The final grade given to the student's test will be the arithmetic mean of the two or three grades that have been given to his exam.

See the exam.

The corrected exam can only be seen once the process of claiming the selectivity and correction exam has been completed in ten days.

  • We recommend that throughout the process of reviewing or claiming the grades or exams of selectivity, keep calm and good forms, they will help you in this difficult moment.