Home remedies for constipation in dogs

Constipation in dogs is a condition that can happen if our dog suffers from a lack of exercise, inadequate hydration, has ingested food toxic to him or that his body does not tolerate, or does not take enough fiber. In more severe cases, intestinal obstruction may be due to the appearance of major pathologies, such as enlarged prostate, or the consumption of foreign objects. Therefore it is important to go to the veterinarian and follow the most appropriate treatment depending on the cause. However, you can supplement it with natural solutions to accelerate the healing process. Keep reading this article and discover the home remedies for constipation in dogs .

Steps to follow:


If the reason why your dog has constipation is the intake of a certain food, just remove it from your diet. Also, if it is a lack of hydration, you must ensure that the water bowl of your dog is always full and, of course, control who actually drinks water. If not, go to the vet, perhaps constipation is a symptom of another disease.


If your dog has long hair, it is important that you cut it down the area of ​​the anus. Although this is not a home remedy proper, it is an aspect that we must take into account to facilitate the act of defecating our dog. In addition to ensuring that does not impede the passage of faeces, you will be favoring their hygiene, since having long hair in this area can often happen to stain when defecating or urinating.


If the cause of constipation is lack of fiber, you should know that there are a number of fruits and vegetables good for our dogs that allow them to cover the shortages of their dry feed. The most outstanding for acting as a natural laxative is pumpkin . So wash the pumpkin well, peel it, remove the seeds, cut 1/4 of it and cut it. You should give it to him in the morning in fasting so that his organism digests it appropriately and acts. It is not recommended that you give him pumpkin more than once a week.


In the food line, another very effective home remedy for constipation in dogs is to provide raw verdruas with laxative properties, such as chard and carrots . The green leafy vegetables should be provided well chopped to avoid possible suffocation in case of vomiting. The carrots, on the other hand, you will have to wash them and chop them without peeling them, because the skin is beneficial for the organism of our dog. Remember that you must give it to him in an empty stomach in the morning and no more than once a week.


Olive oil also has very beneficial laxative properties to combat constipation, in addition to stimulating the colon. Therefore, it is a very effective home remedy that you can provide to your dog if he has difficulty defecating. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with your usual food a couple of times a week and observe the results.


Of course, physical exercise matters. This means that your dog does not perform the physical activity that your body requires your body can suffer some irregularities, such as difficulties when defecating and even urinate. Check our article about how much exercise time a dog needs and adapt the walks to your needs.


If after a week the home remedies do not work and the dog continues with constipation, you should go back to the vet to examine it and start another treatment. And, in the case of puppies with constipation, consult your veterinarian before applying any remedy.