How to talk about sexuality to teenagers

Talking with our teenagers about sex is a situation that sooner or later arises in our lives. However, often because of embarrassment or ignorance about how to approach the conversation, we tend to set aside this responsibility or to do so hastily and ineffectively. That's why we give you from .com some tips on how to talk about sexuality to teenagers .

Steps to follow:


Rule number 1 to succeed is to have the confidence and respect of our children in advance. If for years we have been carefree parents and we have not shown enough interest, it is very likely that we will find their rejection if we suddenly want to have a formal conversation about sex with them.


Avoid the "father colleague" syndrome. You can talk naturally, good humor and spontaneity, but it is clear that some parents are not the same in the eyes of our children as their group of friends. We can not try to catch up with them without being looked at strangely. If we want to speak in your jargon right away, we probably get a cynical smile or directly a frontal rejection.


Accept and overcome the embarrassment of the subject. If we can be ashamed to bring up the subject, imagine our children, whom we will still see as children. But we can not neglect by simple shame such an important issue in the passage from childhood to maturity. The best thing is to break the ice and take it naturally, and even with good humor, reminding them even how we felt when we were their age.


Do not intimidate . Going face to face and talking about sex as if it were a very serious, terrifying or shameful issue is the worst thing that can be done. Better to take the issue naturally when the occasion arises, on the occasion of a movie or a story on television, an anecdote that arises, a song that sounds on the radio, and so on. That does not seem forced, if possible. And if you do not want to personalize or accuse your son or daughter so as not to intimidate, you can speak in general terms, and thus avoid them becoming defensive.


Better to talk than to give a sermon . Let it be a conversation in both directions, not a monologue in which you give advice or accusations. It is also important that your children give their opinion and you listen to them, that you know how they think or they feel heard or understood.


Do not give manual answers . Naturalness and sincerity above all. It is better not to prepare this situation with phrases made or prototypical situations. Nobody like you knows how your children are and how you can deal with them. The manuals and guides for parents should only be indicative, never treated that must be strictly followed.


It affects the importance of contraceptive methods and the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases . Young people who start at an early age in sexual relationships often do not have clear concepts that we have assumed as basic. If we take care to explain this issue well, we can be much calmer, instead of letting them get informed in a bad way based on rumors, hoaxes and half-truths.

  • Do not leave out of fear or shame that your son or daughter has to be informed by any other means. Be a participant in your training as adults.
  • Sex education does not equate to an early onset of sexual life, but it does help reduce unwanted pregnancies in early relationships.
  • Sex education is also affective and emotional education. May our children learn to love and feel loved.