Can cats have lice? - here the answer

Many people, at some time or another in life, especially during childhood, can get lice. These parasites live sucking the blood and move on the skin, between the hair. Many are concerned about the fact that their pets can be infested with this pest, which proliferates in the fur quickly. In we want to answer the question " can cats have lice? ", Since nowadays there is a great variety of these insects that act in a certain way, according to the guest in which they try to survive, and who cares about if they can also infect people. If you want to know more about lice in cats, be sure to read this article.

How lice are spread in cats

Is it possible for a cat to have lice? The answer is YES . And to the question: is it possible that the contagion occurs from humans to cats or vice versa? The answer is no.

More than 3, 000 varieties of lice are known, each one with a specific name and with certain ways of acting. Lice are small insects that live between the skin and the hair. These parasites in cats, as well as other species, are characterized by having claws that cling to the fur and the most common species in these felines are the lice Felicola subrostratus . Being a pest, the females shed their eggs, commonly known as nits, in the hair, so the plague can quickly spread through the hair and the skin causing itching.

Although humans can also be infected with lice, there are different types of parasites specific to each animal species. Thus, we understand that the contagion between people and cats is impossible, although if possible the possibility that your cat has been infected with lice, either by being in contact with another infested feline or with objects from the environment that are also infested.

On the other hand, you should know that, although it does not represent a serious threat to health, it is a very contagious pest, so if you have more than one cat, isolate and treat the affected person to avoid infecting others. In the case of cats the appearance of lice usually indicates poor health of the feline, so it is very difficult for a healthy cat to be infested with lice, unless it is in the middle of a very plagued area.

Signs and symptoms of lice in cats

How can I know if my cat has lice ? This is one of the most frequent questions to know that a cat can get lice, even if the infection is not transmitted from people to animals. The first signs that indicate the presence of lice or nits in the hair of the cat are clear: the feline will be dedicated to scratching, biting, scratching or rubbing the areas of his body that are infested. In the event that the number of lice is important, you will also notice that the cat's hair is matted. Thus, the main symptoms of lice in cats are the following:

  • Scruffy hair
  • Dry hair
  • Hair loss
  • Itch
  • Small wounds

Remember that lice are blood suckers, so their goal is to move between the hair and the skin to get their food and proliferate. That is why they are easy to detect and see. If you look carefully at the fur of the cat you can see the lice moving. Nits or eggs are also easy to detect.

Treatment of lice in cats

Lice in cats are an easy pest to control and eliminate. The most important thing is to act quickly and control your pet frequently to make sure it has not been infested. If you want your cat to stay away from these unwanted insects, you should stay alert and check your fur often to find a solution as quickly as possible.

The treatment of lice in cats is relatively simple. You will have to bathe your feline with an anti-lice shampoo specific for cats . Once your coat has dried, you can apply sprays or pyrethrin powder, also suitable for these felines to avoid poisoning, to completely eliminate lice and their nits. This treatment should be repeated after 10 or 14 days, since it is difficult for all nits to die from the first moment.

Do not hesitate to ask your veterinarian about your cat's lice infestation. He or she will help you eliminate them properly without risking the health of your feline.

Remove lice in small cats

One of the domestic felines that can be infected with these parasites is more easily kittens, since the small ones still have the immune system in formation and the lice, as well as fleas and other parasitic insects, can infest them more easily.

The treatment to deworm small cats when they have a lice infestation changes a bit, since they are cats much more sensitive to antiparasitic products. It is recommended that the veterinarian indicate the best treatment and dosage in each case. However, normally you should do a good cleaning by hand and use products suitable for puppy cats, never for adults, to avoid poisoning.

Discover in this other article How to know if my cat has internal parasites, other parasites that usually affect these animals and that, in many cases can also affect us.