The best writing tricks on WhatsApp

Did you know that you can customize your WhatsApp messages? The truth is that this instant messaging application allows us to make some changes in the writing and typography of the letter we use when we write our messages. Today, in this app we can put bold, italic, cross out words, change the style of letter and even update our status. So that you learn to fully express all the features of this application, we will discover the best WhatsApp writing tricks that will help you personalize your messages. You will hallucinate!

How to put another type on Whatsapp: the best kept secret

Among the WhatsApp writing tricks that you have to know we highlight one that allows us to change the typography we use when sending our messages. In fact, from the same app there is a trick that allows us to change the original type for another that has a more "retro" and vintage, so you can send different messages with a more personal touch.

The typography that you have installed WhatsApp and that you can use from the same application is the FixedSys and, to be able to use it in your messages, you will only have to use the inverted single quote symbol for three times after the message.

The inverted comma is this: `` `

That is, as if you wanted to put an open accent in the text and repeat the same symbol three times in a row, without spaces or anything else. This symbol, on Android phones, is usually found on the symbols keyboard that appears in the app. In iPhone, this symbol does not bring Whatsapp by default and, therefore, you will have to go to the Apple Store and download a different keyboard for the app.

The example that you will have to write in the application will be:

`` `Here the text you want to put```

App to change the lyrics of WhatsApp

But if this guy does not finish convincing you, you should know that there are also other ways to change the style of lyrics on WhatsApp. To do this, you just have to download an app called Stylish Text that allows us to choose up to 85 different letter styles that can be used in the application.

To do this, you just have to go to Google Play, download the app and write your text. You can do it in the same app or, if you prefer, in your WhatsApp itself because, here, you will see a star that you can press to give your text the style of lyrics that you like and identify you.

Colored letters in Whatsapp: ideal for states

Another of the WhatsApp writing tricks that have appeared lately refers to the designs of our state . That is, for some months, in this instant messaging application we can share states that last 24 hours and that are very similar to the Instagram stories, ie, videos, photos or text messages that can be hung for a limited time.

In WhatsApp this functionality also exists and, here, it allows us to send a message to all our contacts with colorful letters, photos, gifts, animations, etc. In order to adapt this new function, the application slightly changed its interface and, therefore, today, we find that there are three tabs at the top:

  • Chats
  • state
  • Calls

The "States" page is the one that will allow us to upload our personal "story" on WhatsApp and personalize the message with multiple functionalities, fonts, colors, and so on. In case you want to enter a text you have to know that the maximum characters are 250 and that there are 5 different fonts to choose from.

In addition, to give more "grace" to your message, you can complement it with emoticons or even with animated gifts. Also, if you want to share a photo, you can upload it from this WhatsApp tab and communicate what you want to your friends or family.

To give more color to your publication, there is also the possibility to change the background color and put the one you like the most. There are more than 20 different tones that will help you personalize your message to the fullest.

Put bold and italics on WhatsApp

To finish this article with the best writing tips in WhatsApp, we can not stop talking about 3 innovations that appeared a few months ago and that allow us to give a new touch to our message and customize it according to our convenience. And now, we can write in bold, italic or crossed out when we talk on WhatsApp. To achieve this, you have to follow different tricks that will help us define the style of the message.

Put bold on Whatsapp: tricks

The bold letters are used to emphasize a text or to highlight a word on top of the others. And, nowadays, this can also be used in WhatsApp. To do this, just put an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the word and another just at the end of the word you want to highlight in bold.

Above all: the asterisk must be stuck to the word, without spaces or strange characters. Only then, when you send the message, it will appear with this format. The example of how you will have to type in Whatsapp to show you the bold type is the following:

* text you want in bold *

Write in italics in Whastapp

If we want to put a word in another language, if we want to mention the title of a book or movie, then it is normal that we want to use italics. Now, in WhatsApp yes we can use this functionality and, for this, you just have to add a low script before the word or words you want to highlight in italics and, in the end, close them with another underscore as well.

As it happened in the previous case, for the format to appear correctly it is important that we do not leave any space. So, the way to correctly add this code would be the following:

_text I want in italics_

Cross out a word on Whatsapp

You can also cross out words or phrases on WhatsApp, especially if you have sent it by mistake. This functionality appeared before WhatsApp messages could be deleted so, nowadays, maybe it is not as interesting as before.

However, we want you to fully master everything related to writing in this app and, therefore, if you want to learn to cross out your messages you have to know that you should only use the symbol of the virgulilla before and after the word. The symbol is the following ~

We leave here an example of the text that you must enter to cross out your messages:

~ text that I want to cross out ~

Can not be underlined on WhatsApp

And, finally, it is important to clarify that, to this day, there is no possibility of underlining messages on WhatsApp. Currently, we can only modify the text as we have indicated in this article and, therefore, the underline function is not yet enabled.