Signs that indicate you should stop living with your parents

One day you wake up and you realize that, without knowing very well why, you feel closer and closer the day when you will leave the nest. Perhaps it is instinctive or there is simply a voice within us that whispers in our ears that we should stop living with our parents. I know, the comfort of living in the home in which we grew up under the tutelage of parents brings confidence and tranquility. However, I am sure that you also begin to notice that at certain times you need more independence or you feel like a small child when you really are not. The decision is not easy, because surely your parents and brothers are what you want most in this world, but you also know that you can not live with them forever.

If you think something is stirring inside you that invites you to fly from the nest we recommend that you continue reading this article because we explain the signs that indicate you should stop living with your parents .

Every time you lack more privacy

One of the main signs that you should stop living with your parents is the lack of personal space . Until a few years ago you did not care if your father or mother came into your room when they wanted, that they saw you naked or that they forced you to watch the television programs they preferred, even if it meant you had to go to your room play with the computer, read a book or look at the ceiling.

Now the point has arrived where you value having your own space to do what you prefer at that moment or, simply, doing absolutely nothing without hearing cries of the type "You're a lazy", "Are you going to go like that? dressed? ", " What time did you arrive yesterday? ", if Pepito is thrown by a bridge you too" ?, and an endless list that we could continue to shape here.

That is why you begin to feel the need to become independent so you can rest on the sofa or in the room watching a movie or doing whatever you want.

You want your own schedules

As you get older you start to spend more time away from home, whether to have a drink with your friends, to dine with your girlfriend or boyfriend, to go to the movies or to party. It is then when you realize that your house becomes a police station where they can interrogate you at any time, lest you have been with friends who are a bad influence, drinking alcohol or taking drugs (parents expect the worst) . And maybe you were just going around a mall or having a drink.

Of course, another sign that you should stop living with your parents is when they release the phrase: "Do you think this is a hostel, that you can only come to eat and sleep?" Here the alarm goes off and you realize that being able to enter and leave the house when you want without explanations is something you can crave more than you thought.

Be able to bring home whoever you want

At this point several aspects of our day to day merge: privacy, freedom to bring those who want to home, etc. If you have a boyfriend / girlfriend it is almost impossible to find a time when you can be alone to release your sexual charge and not have to go through the initial stage in which you must present / display it to your parents. In the case of friends, it is difficult to come home to drink a few beers without listening to one of your parents complain. And of course, there are very few occasions when you are alone at home. That is why this is another reason that indicates that you should stop living with your parents, to be able to be accompanied by whoever you want when you want.

You start having money

It is possible that you have been thinking for a long time that you would like to stop living with your parents, but until now it was impossible because your pocket did not allow it. However, when we begin to generate our first income and these grow to the point where our head appears the real option to fly from the nest, another reason appears that you should stop living with your parents.

It is very comfortable to be at home with all the expenses paid while we earn our money. We can invest in doing what we like and even, maybe, we get something to save at the end of the month. However, our independence is not cheap, but we must think about whether we think about going with the water up to our necks at the end of the month but living in our own home or living with our parents with what this implies.

You have just matured

Failure to live with your parents does not have to be synonymous with organizing parties, drinking alcohol, having sex one night or having the kitchen made a mess. It is also very likely that over time you have become older (law of life), and the time has come when you feel you need to take another step . Stop living with your parents and become independent is one of the biggest steps you will take towards your independence and will mark the beginning of your stage as a self-sufficient adult.

If you have decided to take the step, in this post we help you so you know how to tell your parents that you are leaving home.