How to know from where they link to my website

When we start in the creation of a blog or web, one of the issues that we must take into account to analyze its evolution is since other Internet sites link to our website . The so-called backlinks are very important, since one of the criteria that search engines take into account when evaluating our page is the number of links that point to it . So you can control this topic, in .com we explain how to know from where they link to my website .

Steps to follow:


The simplest and most direct way to do it is to type ' link :' in the Google search engine, and then type our url. The result will be a series of websites where there are links to our site .


If we have a Google account with Webmaster Tools connected to Google Analytics, we can also check where we have backlinks . We will find it in the Search Traffic / Links section of your site.

We have the option to download the data and check the number of pages that link each web and which are our pages with more backlinks, so it is a very useful tool to know what is the information on our site that is more interesting.


In addition, there are many websites that offer the possibility to enter our address in a box and then offer us our backlinks .

I highlight one that I find interesting because it is free and offers qualitative information, that is, it tells us the quality of these backlinks . It's about Bad Neighborhood.


As you can see, each tool offers different results, so the best way to know with certainty all the backlinks of our website is to combine its use.