How to repair a disk with the Disk Utility on MacBook

If you have a problem with your MacBook computer, or if you start your computer and see the application Mac OS X Utilities, you may need to repair the disk. To repair the disk of your MacBook with the Disk utility you must follow the following steps:

Steps to follow:


Select Disk Utility in the "Mac OS X Utilities" panel and select it. To find this option you must open the spotlight and look for "utilities of ..."


A floating window will open with the Disk utility and then select the disk you want to repair.


Select the disk or partition in the list on the left, and then click on the First help tab.


Click on "Repair Disk" of the floating window that is open to finish the process of repairing the disk you want to recover.


If Disk Utility can not repair the disk, back up as much information as possible and then follow the instructions in "Repairing, restoring or reinstalling Mac OS X software"


For information about Disk Utility and its options, consult the Help Center or open MacBook Disk Utility (in the Launchpad Utilities folder) and select Help> Disk Utility Help.

  • If you can not fix the MacBook disk with the functionality of "Disk Utility"