How to make a shared folder in VirtualBox

Making a shared folder on a machine that you have created in VirtualBox is very simple and very useful. After following a few simple steps, you can easily exchange files and folders between your "real" computer and the virtual machine that you have created with VirtualBox . To know the actions you have to perform, in .com we explain how to make a shared folder in VirtualBox.

Steps to follow:


The example we are going to do with a virtual machine in which we have installed Windows 7 on a Mac, in which there is the VirtualBox program .


Start your virtual machine and, in the top horizontal menu, click on "Devices" and then "Install Guest Additions."


Now, to make a shared folder in VirtualBox go to the "Start Menu" of Windows 7 and navigate to "My Computer" and click on "CD Drive: VirtualBox Guest Additions". Then, you will be opened by an installer who will guide you so that the program is located on the computer.


Once the VirtualBox Guest Additions have been installed, to share a folder you have to go back to "Devices" and then click on "Shared folder settings". Then, a window like the one you see in the screenshot will open. Click on the folder icon with a plus sign in green.


Now, you can browse your "real" team to choose the folder you want to share. We will choose the "Desktop" and make it permanent.


Then, in your virtual machine, go back to the "Start Menu", "Team" and "Network". Then, click on "VBOXSVR" and you will see your shared folder . Now you can easily exchange files and documents between your computer and your virtual machine.