How to care for an abandoned dog

Deciding to adopt or deal momentarily with an abandoned dog until it finds a new home is a tremendously noble action that could radically change the animal's life. However you should never forget that an abandoned dog is a scared animal, with a delicate health and that has probably suffered abuse in the past, so it is important to follow some recommendations that will help you get closer to the animal and be able to provide appropriate care without running risks. In .com we explain how to care for an abandoned dog .

Steps to follow:


If you find an abandoned dog in the street the first thing you should have is a lot of caution, because you do not know if the animal is aggressive, if it is sick or if, out of fear, it could attack you. Remember that a dog that has spent a lot of time on the street and that is hungry and scared can react in any way.

If the animal comes close to you and you can easily persuade him to take it away, there will be no problem, but if the dog is scary, does not approach or seems very sick, it is best to call immediately an animal protector or a veterinarian to get caught to the dog


The first step in finding an abandoned dog is to take it to a veterinarian to make sure it does not have a microchip and that it belongs to someone. If the animal has an owner, it will have to be contacted and the situation defined.

In the event that the dog is in fact abandoned, it should be reviewed in depth by a veterinarian in order to check their health. You should know that it is very possible that you have to run expenses such as vaccination, deworming and treatment in case the animal has an illness.


Never take an abandoned dog directly home without first going through the vet. You do not know what conditions the animal can have, and if you have other pets or children at home you could risk your health. Usually a dog that is in the street will only be able to go home when the veterinarian indicates that it is healthy, at that moment you will be able to introduce the animal to its new home.


When the dog comes home it is important that you do not overwhelm him with too much caress and attention. While it is true that an abandoned pet requires care and affection, you should expect the dog to come to you and recognize you as his friend. The animal will approach little by little, lick you and look for your company, at that time you can increase the affection.

While this happens you can approach and caress it but for a few minutes and never forcing the dog.


The key to caring for an abandoned dog is to have immense patience . This type of dogs requires the same care as any other, but they are also animals that have not received any early training and are accustomed to being on the street, so you should help him to get used to things as simple as Eat feed, do your needs at specific times or walks outside.

If you have never had a dog before, you will surely have many doubts, that's why we clarify some basic points in our articles:

  • How much my dog ​​should eat
  • When to start walking the dog
  • How to walk my dog


It is very important that, at least during the first weeks, always walk the dog on a leash . Remember that the animal that has been abandoned is very scary and that if you walk without a leash it can end up fleeing and getting lost again. You will need a pair of extra eyes to make sure that the dog does not escape, so be careful in this regard.


In the process of educating the abandoned dog it is important that you remember to reward him when he does something right with a croquette or dog biscuit, as the rescued animals usually dedicate themselves fully to please their masters as a way of thanking, so as a rule They are attentive, loyal and willing to obedience.

If you want to discipline him he must understand that you must always scold the dog at the moment when you discover him doing something inappropriate, never afterwards since the animal will not be able to associate why you fight him. In our article how to scold my dog ​​we explain how to do it.


Allow a few weeks for the dog to adapt to its new environment, which as normal will take time. Attitudes such as biting furniture, doing your needs anywhere or having a scary behavior are normal, but with perseverance and patience you can educate the animal and get it used to the routine.